Chapter 11

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Yuki saw Hisoka walking towards her with a unconcious Leorio on his shoulder. She raised a brow at this, not voicing out her concern. Whether or not they pass, Yuki couldn't care less. She will always prioritize herself more.

"Hmm~" Hisoka glanced at her, and the two were in a short staring contest, that was cut short when Yuki looked away and closed her eyes.

Sensing two projectiles coming her way, she let them be and they hit a barrier. "Your his sister aren't you?~"
Hisoka asked in a sickining sweet voice.

Yuki raised a brow and Hisoka chuckled. "I'm talking about Rye~" as soon as Hisoka said that a intense amount of bloodlust was released from Yuki. Her eyes glaring at the jester, who merely laughed.

"If I am?" Yuki said.

"I wonder how he'd react if I kill you~" Hisoka said, releasing a bit pf bloodlust, that didn't affect Yuki.

"You're saying that as if you can." Yuki, said slightly annoyed. No wonder Rye complained about this guy non stop, she thought.

"Hmm? Then, what if I kill him instead~"

"Keep my brother out of your shinanigans, or else." Yuki said with venom lacing every word. Hisoka raised both his hands, surrendering before pointing his thumb behind him.

Yuki stopped leaking her bloodlust as soon as she noticed how almost everyone around them were shaking in their boots or as white as paper.

She took deep breaths as she walked away from Hisoka.

Killua stopped moving the moment he felt the intense bloodlust that just suddenly erupted.

He felt as if he couldn't move, glancing around he saw almost everyone was in the same state or even worse. Finally, he managed to pin point where it was coming from.

His eyes widen as he saw that it coming from Yuki who was glaring at Hisoka. He gulped, as he felt sweat run down his forehead. Thankfully the bloodlust dissappeared and Yuki walked away from the clown.

"What the heck did Hisoka said to make her that mad?" He mumbled to himself, it felt worse than his older brother's bloodlust, and that was a pretty big thing.

As soon as the gates opened, everyone entered and saw a giant man and a green haired lady sitting on a couch. Everyone glanced at Yuki from time to time and when the girl would glance back they'd gulp in fear from last time.

As soon as the examiners announced what the second phase was, some of the examinees complained. "Shut up and just listen." Her voice rang in everyone's ear. The fat man with a ponytail quickly shut his mouth.

"Please continue."Yuki said to the examiners, who frooze for a moment. Menchi then explained what they were going to do, and the large man, Buhara told them to use pork.

After hearing this, they all got out to the forest. Yuki, walked in front the four boys. "Hey, what's up with the other examinees? They look scared of Yuki." Gon whispered.

"Yuki and Hisoka talked a while back and she got mad, and released this intense bloodlust." Killua explained glancing at the said female.

"Woah! Really!? I wonder what they talked about." Gon muttered, Killua quickly hits him on the head calling him "baka!" (Idiot in japanese).

Yuki glanced back and saw the two kids chatting, Kurapika was curiously looking at her and Leorio is well complaining.

"Hmm?" Yuki asked Kurapika, "Nothing, just curious about what Killua said."

"Hmm,I see...anyway the pigs are nearby."she said pointing at the direction in front. Once the group arrived, they slipped down a cliff.

Yuki landed next to the pile of boys and was busy picking which pig to use. As soon as the boys yelled out about the pigs being carnivores, they were chased by a stampede of pigs.

Yuki stayed behind and choose her pig to cook. The pig ran towards her full speed, Yuki stepped to the side before using her left arm to hit it on it's forehead. Once the pig was killed, she dragged it back to the exam site.

She got their first, and started prepping her meat. Cooking was a survival skill, she learned after the continuos times the chairman would send her with our anything in the forest of darkness in the dark continent.

Grabbing a kitchen knife, she begun slicing the pig into different parts. Tossing the guts along the bones and other parts she deemed uncessesary.

Atter cutting the pig into smaller pieces, she glanced at the other materials and saw some soy souce, vinegar and other spices.

"Pork adobo will do, I guess." She said, cutting the pork into smaller cubes, placing it on a plate before preparing the other ingredients. She then cooked some rice to go with the pork adobo.

Turning on the stove and placing the pan on top, she tossed the onions and garlic which emitted a delicious aroma, next dropping in the crushed ground peppers and then tossing in the pork.

Stir frying it for a while, before tossing some soy sauce and stiring it again then adding some water and bay leaves, let it simmer for a couple of minutes.

After making sure the pork was soft enough, she poured in the vinegar, sugar and some salt to balance it out. Let it simmer some more before turning the heat of and grabbing two bowls of rice topped with the pork adobo.

Once she was done, she brought it to Menchi and Buhara. Mechi inspected the dish and glanced at Yuki's blank face.

"It's pork adobo, I would have made pork menudo but there were no carrots and potatos. And well, I lacked other ingredients." Yuki stated.

"Well, it smells divine, but what about the taste?" Menchi said before taking a bite of the dish.

Yuki was caught in suprised when Menchi's eyes widen as she continued eating her bowl. Buhara ate his in a matter of seconds and was also shocked about Menchi's behaviour.

"Applicant no. 400, you pass! Wanna be a gourmet hunter?" Menchi asked excitedly.

"...I cannot promise that...but thanks for the suggestion." Yuki said before going back to her stand. "Wow! Good job on passing Yuki!" Gon said beaming.

"Thanks...did you?" She asked, Gon shook his head no along with the rest. Yuki stared at them blankly before turning around and grabbing four more bowls of the pork adobo.

I cooked a bit more than planned, and I don't even eat much. She thought with a sigh.

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