Chapter 5

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From then on, the activities got harsher. Back at her room, Yuki stared at the wall, wondering why on earth did that thing happened.

Although she was scared to ask, she remembered the rules, mr. Smith her guardian had told her in the beginning.

Always listen to your superiors. That was rule one, Yuki then realised how that kid disobeyed the doctor earlier resulting in him dying.

Yuki, was familliar with the symptoms the boy showed. Her small hands head towards the collar on her neck, she gulped as it all started to fall into pieces.

Before anything else, the door opened. Yuki quickly removed her hands on her neck and nervously glanced at the door.

Irene walked in pushing a trolley with various mediacal tools along with unknown bottles and pills. Next to enter her room was dr. Zed.

Her eyes widened, her body was shaking in fear as she recalled what had happened earlier.

Zed who saw this, smiled before dismissing Irene. He walked towards the shaking girl before sitting beside her and rubbing her back gently.

"Don't worry, your a good girl so what happened to him won't happen to you." He said in a chilling voice. Yuki trembled even more before gripping the sheets tight.

Zed glanced around her room and saw the piled of books on the floor, a devilish grin on his face as he patted the trembling girl's head. "Good girl, you've been reading the books I sent yes?" He asked in a gentle voice.

Yuki, nodded still slightly shaking. "Hmm, recite the book about…"
Dr. Zed happily listened to Yuki as she recited the contents of the book she recently read. Patting her head, he stood up and picked up a bottle with pills inside.

"Time for your check-up." He said before beginning the procedure. After the usual check-up he injected a blue liquid onto Yuki's arm. The girl winced but prevented herself from making futher movements, afraid the man would get mad.

"Good girl, for now on Irene will inject this into you okay? After that, your body will feel in pain. So drink one of these pills, only one okay? I'll check on you ever so often." He said before taking his leave, placing the bottle of purple pills on Yuki's drawer.

After a moment, Yuki felt pain all over her body, it felt like needles pricking her insides a thousand times. She shakily grabbed the bottle and took one pill, shoving it inside her mouth before placing the bottle back to it's place and laying on her bed.

Slowly she fell asleep. True to his word, dr. Zed would visit her every week to check-up on her. Yuki, felt less scared after each visit. She knows as long as she did as she was told she'd be fine like how Smith told her.

Two years had passed, and Yuki turned five. Smith had brought her cake on her birthday and allowed her to not take part in any activity for the whole day. She was also allowed to have an hour of playtime with Rye.

Rye became her close friend and often told her things. He was smarter than her, although physically they were the same. Rye noticed how Yuki's apperance changed little by little. Her long brown hair now had silver roots and her eyes were slowly changing color.

Both were being treated quite well, compared to the rest of the kids. Among the 60 only 45 were left.

It was trumatizing to see one by one the kids fall onto their knees with their breathing hitched. Yuki somehow got used to it, she didn't pay them much mind before but now she completely ignored their existence.

Rye was older than her by a year, he acted like an older brother to her, so naturally she looked up to him. The two were currently in a training grounds.

Both were stretching before they started their routine. They wore weights everyday, the weight would increase everytime they got used to it.

Currently, Rye was able to move his body while carrying an additional 20 kilograms same with Yuki.

"Attention everyone, calling no. 1937 and 2007 to proceed to the laboratory." The mechanical voice announced.

Both children looked at each other before nodding, they excused themselves from their current activity and proceed to the lab.

Dr. Zed smiled as the two arrived, he motioned them to come closer to him and they did. "No. 1937 proceed to room B, no. 2007 proceed to room E." He said and the two kids were escorted to their respective rooms.

Yuki was strapped to a chair and was currently being electrecuted. Her painful screams erupted and echoed inside the room. Smith along with Zed watched on the otherside of the glass window, both calmly watching the screaming girl.

"When did the boss want her to participate in the trial again?" Smith asked, Zed smiled before answering.
"After she survives this stage. She well be sent outside to survive against those monsters." Zed said as he continued increasing the electricity.

About five hours passed by and Yuki felt numbed, she couldn't feel the pain that was surging through her body. Without any rest, she was put through different forms of turture.

By the end of the week, Yuki had scars all over her body. While unconcious, a female doctor begun using her nen to fix the scars making them fade away.

Despite sleeping, she was not spared from any further experiments. The nurses placed her inside a giant glass container filled with unknown purple liquid and was sumberged there for a whole month.

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