"Her, um, her original family kinda filled us in on some things," Scott mumbles.

"Her what?"

"Her real name is supposedly Y/N Stark," Stiles states, looking back and forth between Melissa and his dad. He doesn't like how unusually silent his dad is.

"You found her birth parents?" Melissa questions. She doesn't like how vague they're being.

"No, we found the people who adopted her first." Scott sits down next to his mom.

"First?" Noah quietly asks.

"She was dropped off at the Avengers headquarters when she was a few months old. Tony Stark and Pepper Potts ended up adopting her themselves. During her brother Peter's birthday party, she was taken from them, and on her tenth birthday, they supposedly found her remains. But they didn't. She was taken by Hydra and eventually rescued by some witches and some werewolf packs before somehow ending up on our doorstep." Stiles explains.

"How did you find them? Are you sure they know Y/N?" Melissa questions.

"Tony's son Peter was taken with Y/N. They're Earth's Mightiest Avengers so we knew they'd be able to help us find them. When we got there they had Hydra's files on Y/N and that's when we put all the pieces together and we found out that Y/N is Y/N Stark. We didn't believe them at first, but she is Y/N Stark." Stiles hates admitting that out loud but there has yet to be anything proving his suspicion wrong.

Derek can practically smell the fear and the sadness wafting from both Noah and Melissa. Fear seems to be Melissa's main emotion while Noah mostly reeks of sadness.

"You said something about the Avengers. Are they the superheroes you are always talking about?" The sheriff looks to Stiles for an answer.

Stiles nods his head yes at his dad's question, "They have a lake house here that they're staying at."

There was a moment of silence before Melissa spoke up, "How was she taken?"

"Last night we were on our way to drop Peter Stark back to his family when we were hit by a large SUV. That's when some Hydra agents tranquilized them and took them." Stiles explains.

"You didn't try to stop them?" Noah looks at Derek.

"I was the only one with them and I was trapped in the backseat while they had about twenty guns aimed at them," Stiles states, making sure his dad knew that it wasn't Derek's fault. It was his.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect her." Derek quietly states.

Noah sighs and shakes his head, "It's not your fault. If they're a terrorist organization and if they were the ones who took her when she was young, they would've gotten to her eventually. Do you have any idea where they have her now?"

"We searched a location last night, but she wasn't there. We've split up to rest and we're meeting back up in a few hours." Scott informs them.

"Once you find Y/N, what does her other family plan on doing? Are they going to try and take her back to wherever with them?" Melissa asks, worried about what their intentions might be with Y/N.

"This is Y/N we're talking about. She's not going anywhere with them. She doesn't even know who they are. This is her family. She's not going anywhere." Scott tries to comfort them. He knows what they're all thinking. He can tell it's what Stiles has been thinking for hours now. Y/N isn't going anywhere because they are her family, not the Avengers.

"I want to go with you when you go back. I don't care who these people are but she's my daughter and I'm going to help you find her." Noah states. The look in his eyes let the others know that there is no debating what he said.

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now