Stiles scoffs at Scott's words, "I may not be like you, but I've saved your ass plenty of times. If you don't want me to go in, I won't go in, but I will not stay here when my sister needs me. I wasn't able to do anything when she was taken but I can do something now."

"Fine," Scott concedes, "but you're staying on the jet until we get back."

"We both know I'm not going to."

Tony turns towards the Avengers in the room, "Grab your stuff and get ready. We leave in ten." He marches past Steve and upstairs towards his room to get ready for their possible upcoming battle.


Everyone was now quietly sitting on the quinjet heading towards Crater Lake. Steve and Natasha were flying the jet at the front while everyone else was sitting in the back. Bucky keeps checking the clips in his guns while glaring at Derek who's sat across from him. The pack only consisted of Scott, Stiles, Derek, Peter, Kira, and Malia. They had Lydia and Mason stay back so they didn't get hurt, and Liam was still locked in a basement attempting to control his full-moon urges. Luckily the moon would be down soon, but they still sent Chris Argent to make sure he didn't do anything.

"You can keep threatening me with those guns all you want but they won't do anything," Derek states, glaring back at Bucky.

Bucky scoffs, "What? Are you bulletproof as well?"

"Unless those have wolfsbane in them, they won't do much damage."

"I'm sure a bullet through the skull will do the job." Bucky loads the AR-15 in his hands while smirking at Derek. Right now, nothing can convince him to like or trust Derek. He claims to be Y/N's boyfriend, but he looks way too old for her. Even if he is twenty-three, Y/N just turned eighteen. How long have they been dating? Did he wait until she turned eighteen, or did he start dating her before? Either way, Derek's in the wrong.

"I'm sure if I rip out your heart that would do the job as well." Derek practically growls at him. He doesn't understand Bucky's issue with him. Bucky thinks he knows Y/N and has the right to judge her decisions when he doesn't. He keeps getting accused of horrible things when Bucky is so wrong. Maybe Y/N just turned eighteen, but he didn't know that, and neither did she. She thinks she's nineteen! She also thinks her birthday was in April because that's when she showed up at the Stilinski's.

He and Y/N just started dating seven months ago and up until then, they hated each other. She is extremely protective of her friends and especially her brother. He hasn't always treated Scott or Stiles or some of the others the best and Y/N hated him for that. It wasn't until he started to change and respect everyone that their relationship started to change. When she showed up at his loft injured from a stray omega attack, that's when he realized he had feelings for her.

"Can you both shut up for the rest of the time we have to be together? I'm tired of this argument and I don't want to hear it anymore." Wanda rolls her eyes at their bickering. She just wants to find Y/N and figure everything else out later.

"How much longer until we're there?!" Stiles yells out to Steve and Nat.

"Five more minutes!" Natasha yells back to him.

"We'll go in first to take down whatever upfront protection they have," Tony informs the group.

"Why do you get to go in first?" Malia questions. She doesn't understand everything that's going on, but she knows the basics. She knows that her friend is gone and now they are going to get her back.

"We have armor to protect us from the bullets and missiles they'll be shooting at us, and you don't. All you have are claws and a girl with a sword." Tony states.

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora