Chapter 7 - Alpha Matthew

Start from the beginning

I start to climb up the side of the mountain. There's a valley here where I know one of the pack lives. We call them the Scholar's because they also have one of the few Werewolf universities in the world. It's like a college town run by their Alpha, Matthew. There are stories about Alpha Matthew. A recluse of an Alpha to the outside world but particularly kind to his pack. I keep praying to the moon goddess that he will be kind to me as soon as he learns of my circumstances.

As I get closer, I get more nervous. I have no idea what's going to happen to me as soon as I step foot on their territory. I have a small plan of what I want to do, but I doubt it'll actually go the way I've thought of it in my head.

My wolf starts running around in my head. I can tell she's nervous the closer and closer we get to the pack territory. Just as I round the top of the mountain, I manage to look down at the valley. The town looks absolutely beautiful. Small pockets of buildings and houses along the lakes. In the forest to the right of the lake I see the university alongside the tree line.

It doesn't look at all like Sparta. It's much more beautiful. Even my wolf is blown away by the beauty of this pack. I start climbing down towards the valley. The closer I get, the more I feel nervous as the pack's energy bounces off. It's like a warning sign for me to turn away.

You can do this, I think to myself. My wolf huffs in agreement.

You've been rejected, I tell myself as I get closer. Nothing can ever be as painful as that rejection.

Taking a deep breath, I step onto the territory. The small hairs on my neck instantly perk up. I decide not to move. I know that wolves have been alerted of my presence. I take my backpack off, setting it on the ground as to not pose a threat.

Within seconds, three patrol wolves appear. Growling and letting their claws extend to threaten me. I can't mind link with them, but I know they're talking to someone about me being here. I hold my hands up in the air.

"Please," I say smoothly. "I just want to speak with your Alpha."

One of the wolves' snaps at me, making me stumble back. I don't want to lose control, but I feel my canines start to itch and my wolf becomes defensive. She wants to come out and defend me. She wants to attack and enact on all the training we received in Sparta.

A different wolf circles behind me and I realize how quickly they've trapped me. Waiting eagerly to launch themselves at the right order. I start to realize I've probably made a huge mistake. Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to just turn up here and invade their territory. I might actually die.

I hear a loud growl in the distance that makes me want to sink down to my knees. It's not overly powerful but I can feel the energy push my wolf down to the ground. I watch as a female marches her way towards us, her eyes narrowed, and fists clenched to her side. Her hair is cut at shoulder length with one side that has been buzzed off. I can see a wolf tattoo etched onto the side of her skull. If everyone looks like her in these lands, then I'm not quite sure why it's called Scholars and not Bikers. My God.

"What makes you think you can just cross into our land, Rogue?" She snarls once she's closer. Her voice is laced with venom that makes my wolf nearly sink down in submission. It's not an Alpha voice but I recognize it clearly as Beta. Especially after the wolf guards all nodded at her respectively.

A female Beta? I quickly think to myself. Sparta would never.

"I come in peace." I tell her honestly and as gently as I can. "I wish to speak with your Alpha."

She cocks her head to the side, eyebrows furthering. "You are not worthy of his time, do you not realize that?"

I figured this would happen. What is one rogue to an Alpha? If anything, I'm just a typical intrusion. I'm sure this happens more times than not so why would he ever want to see me.

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