forbidden worlds ~ hamiltonxlaurensxjefferson

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lol i'm back again

alexander snored quietly as he lay on the couch, his legs tucked into his body and his head on the arm of the furniture. he made an odd noise, then his lips parted. john, being the asshole he was, pushed him off the couch so he'd land on the plethora of pillows they had sprawled out on the floor.

"what the fuck?" alex woke up with a start.

"your ass wouldn't shut up. we are having a movie night. go to your room and sleep if you can't stay awake. thomas will be here in an hour."

"be nice to me." alex whined.

lafayette came into the living room, holding a beer in one hand. he passed it off to john, who said his thanks. alex narrowed his eyes at the taller man, then got up to go to his room. john blew him a kiss, telling him he'd come kiss him goodnight. alex gave him the finger.

as soon as alex's head hit the pillow he was out like a light. this didn't last long, as he heard a new voice in the living room. he decided to ignore it. he patted his bed, looking for his airpods. he took them out and turned on white noise, trying to drift back into sleep.

this plan did not work.

alex's door swung open.

"alex! come say hi."

alexander groaned. he covered his face with his pillow.

"get up!" john yelled, stomping over to alex's bed.

alexander glared at his friend. he sat up in his bed, ready to curse john out. john simply grabbed alex by his wrists and dragged him out of his bed, then out of the room.

"—you asshole! you were the one that told me to go to sleep!"

jefferson stood there with an amused expression on his face. he cocked an eyebrow at alex.

"alexander. long time no talk."

"there's a reason for that."

lafayette walked behind alex and hit him in the back of his head. alexander groaned in annoyance.

"be nice." laf spat.

alexander rolled his eyes. he looked up at thomas, fake smiling.

"is this all i was dragged out of bed for?"

"no, we're going out." hercules spoke.

"where? it is two o'clock in the damn morning."

everyone but alex looked at john.

"i forgot to tell him."

"forgot to tell me what?" alexander grumbled.

"we're going upstate. thomas's mother is allowing us to use her cabin for all of winter break."

alex's eyes widened by a fraction. he slowly looked at john.

"how did you forget to tell me?"

"you distracted me."

"with what!?"

john looked alex up and down. everyone else balked.

"you two did not—"

alexander walked away immediately. everyone looked at john whose face was flushing red. he laughed nervously.

"forget it!" john shook his hands around, trying to save himself from anymore embarrassment.

alexander was fast asleep in the passenger seat of thomas's car. he had been forced to ride with him, as the three other men wanted them to rekindle their relationship. a bump in the road that thomas hadn't been able to dodge woke alex up.

~hamilton smut~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora