jamilton ~ aww, generic comfort sex <3

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alexander lay wide awake in his and thomas' bed, simply trying to close his eyes and sleep. the taunting blue light of his phone read off the time, two-thirty. thomas had been asleep since eleven pm, the previous night. alexander had only gotten into bed about an hour ago. he had been up studying for an exam that he had in his criminal justice class.

thomas had an arm draped over alexander's waist, holding him close. he was unexplainably warm, heating alexander up underneath the heavy comforter. his soft breaths puffed against alex's ear, making small shivers trickle down alexander's spine. alexander sighed, nuzzling into thomas' touch. he blinked against thomas' chest, trying to match the rhythm of his boyfriend's breathing in an attempt to coax his body to sleep.

alexander thought he had succeeded when he felt his body lolling off to the warm confines of rest. however, his eyes shot open as the soft pitter-patter of rain began on the roof of their apartment building. alex frowned, snuggling into thomas even more. the rain only became heavier, anxiety trying to set into alexander's mind. alex jumped when a clash of thunder came booming through, breaking into small tufts of smaller bangs throughout the sky. he could feel thomas shift against him, squirming around before fluttering his eyes open. he stared down at the top of his boyfriend's head, a dazed, sleepy look on his face.

"alexander?" thomas mumbled sleepily.

alexander frowned. he hadn't meant to wake up his significant other.

"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to wake you."

alexander screwed his eyes shut when a flash of lightning briefly illuminated the room and a few seconds later another crash of thunder ripped through the sky. alexander didn't have to be looking at thomas' face to know that there was a pitiful look on it. thomas knew alexander hated the rain, it was a given after what he'd be through.

"sugar, the rain can't get to you. you're inside with me, i'm here to keep you safe."

"you say that every time." alexander managed a laugh but still flinched when thunder clapped.

"what else should i say? 'sweet-pea, the wind is going to break the windows and the clouds are going to fall down to the ground and eat you'?" thomas laughed.

alexander's nerves immediately let up. he took a deep breath, mimicking thomas' own. thomas soothingly rubbed his hand up and down alex's back, calming him down. alex sighed as soon his heartbeat fell back to a regular pace. he was no longer tired, he realized thomas probably wasn't either after being disturbed.

"is there anything i can do to help, sugar-plum?" thomas cooed.

"you can start by never calling me that again." alexander melodically giggled.

"i needed something new to call you! don't blame me. now, tell me what i can do to make this night less stressful."

"comfort sex? we don't have to if you're not up for it, i just figured that it would be a better distraction than watching a movie or something, and it would make me more tired." alexander rushed out.

thomas fell silent for a good thirty seconds. he looked at it from alex's point of view before shrugging to himself. he wanted to make this night better for his boyfriend, and he would benefit from it too.

"whatever you want." thomas smiled.

alexander sighed as thomas' lips immediately found his way onto his. the kiss was soft, honeyed almost. thomas let his hands roam up and down alexander's sides, running down each curve and dip of his body. there was nothing rushed about thomas' movements. he wanted to please alexander in every way possibly by taking his time. it was a reach from their previous intimate moments, always fast-paced, rough, and dirty. this was a nice change.

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