overprotective friends ~ lams

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sorry not sorry abt this long ass chapter that took so long to get to the point i wanted there to be some sort of storyline other than them just doing the diddly doo okay thanks bye

"we should get back to the hotel soon. lafayette and herc are probably wondering where we are."

"how do you want to explain this to them?"

"i don't know."

"they are going to kill me."

"for what?" alex laughed.

"for taking their prized possession out at one in the morning to hotbox my car!"

"i regret nothing."

alexander laughed again, sighing right after. he jumped when he heard a knocking at the passenger side window which is where he was. not thinking, he rolled it down. he smiled giddily when he saw lafayette and hercules.

"oh my god." herc grumbled.

lafayette yanked open the door to john's car, then tugged alex out. he grabbed his phone and turned on the flashlight, shining it in alex's eyes.

"you're fucking stoned."


"laurens, i'm going to beat your ass."

"at least let me get him to bed before you do."

"i got him." hercules spoke, his hand going to gently grab alex's own.

"i'm driving you back to the hotel. sober up." laf sighed.

"how did you find us?"

"you left find my iphone on."

john woke up with his entire body feeling off. he looked over to his right to see alex's untouched queen size bed, empty. he picked his head up when the door to his hotel room beeped, then clicked. he smiled upon seeing alex walk in. his smile fell when he saw the look on his face. alexander walked over to john's bed, sitting down at the very edge.

"i'm sorry."

"for what?" john had to laugh.

"you're not mad at me?"

"no, of course not. i'm mad at myself for not thinking about what i was doing."

"did laf chew you out?"

"very much so."

"i'm really sorry."

"stop saying that," john laughed, pushing himself up to sit in bed. "i'm not upset with you."

"are you sure?"


alexander climbed into bed with john. he covered both of their legs with john's comforter. he rested his head on john's shoulder, sighing in content after getting comfortable.

"i had fun last night."

"don't get used to it." john laughed, a hand going to rub down his face.

"what time did you plan on getting up?"

"what time is it now?"

"it's five o'clock."

john looked at alex with a bewildered look. he picked up his phone off the nightstand and to his surprise, it was in fact five in the morning.

"why did you think i'd be up at this time?"

"i don't know. i always am."

"that's because you don't know how to sleep."

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