jamilton ~ holiday sex.

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starting holiday shit early bc it seems right
request stuff in my dms pls and ty yaaaas

it was after eleven o'clock at night when alexander and thomas arrived at a small cabin in upstate new york. winter break had come faster than expected. the couple wanted to travel, both arguing on where they should go. thomas wanted to go south to virginia, but alex argued that they already went down there for thanksgiving break which neither of them even celebrated. alex was also a homebody, which meant he wasn't too fond of traveling in the first place. thomas eventually coaxed him into traveling upstate, saying that it's beautiful this time of year and a lot quieter than being in the city.

that's how they ended up making the almost three hour drive upstate. alex enjoyed the quiet, it was a peaceful thing. there were other cabins surrounding their own, some appearing to be occupied. there was a small lake in the backyard. thomas had made alex pack a swimsuit, even though the air was chilly and that was a sure fine way to catch a cold. alex was relieved when thomas told him about the hot-tub. he wasn't looking forward to swimming with a bunch of unknown creatures in murky water.

the couple was now settling in, just ready to enjoy themselves. they had taken their spot on the comfortable king sized bed which was adorned with numerous blankets and cloaks to keep them warm. alex was slotted in between thomas's legs, his back pressed against his boyfriend's chest. thomas had his arms wrapped loosely around alex's waist, slightly rucking up his hoodie. their eyes were trained on the television as thomas flipped through the programs that were showing. alex grumbled to himself, the connection out in the woods was bad, there weren't many good shows on. there was always some downside when it came to what was supposed to keep you entertained on vacation. alex plucked the tiny remote out of thomas's hands, growing frustrated with the fact that there was nothing good to watch. he pressed the power button, making it switch off.

thomas chuckled lightly, making alex turn onto his side. he then fished his phone out of his back pocket, unlocking it swiftly to open Netflix. thomas pressed 'continue watching' on a show that he and alex had been binge watching for quite some time. it droned quietly in the background of the hotel room when thomas directed his attention from it to his boyfriend.

they were spooning, something they rarely did. alex thought that there was too much leeway for anything to happen. he wasn't wrong there. thomas had an arm snaked around alex's waist, just holding it there protectively. their bodies molded together like two puzzle pieces. thomas's lips were brushing against the back of alex's neck, the warm breath sending shivers up the smaller's spine. alex was pressing himself back against thomas just to get impossibly closer. thomas huffed a quiet laugh, assisting him in doing just that by pulling him back against his chest then tangling their legs together. it was a beatific, sweet moment.

alex tilted his head up, staring up at thomas with a small smile on his face. thomas looked down at him with an amused expression, puckering his lips unattractively which made alex scrunch his nose and turn away. thomas laughed, gently taking alexander's chin and tilting it up so he could lean over him in an odd position to give him a kiss.

"that required far too much effort." alex giggled, simply turning his head to give thomas a proper kiss.

"you're right."

thomas hummed into it, parting alex's lips with his own gently. alex sighed contently, pushing his hips back against thomas's. thomas pulled back first, but not before catching alex's bottom lip between his teeth.

alex directed his attention back to thomas's phone, smiling softly when thomas pressed his lips against alex's neck. he planted soft kisses on the skin, working around a few hickeys he had left during the week. thomas eventually found a spot that was clear of the tiny love bites. he kissed that spot adoringly, relishing the way alex bared his neck to provide easier access. alex's eyes closed as thomas's kisses turned into nips, then those nips turning into sucks. a shuddering breath escaped his lips as he shifted around against thomas, making his boyfriend inhale sharply when his ass rubbed against his stirring cock.

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