lams ~ shower sex.

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alex giggled as john practically carried him to the elevator of his dorm room. john knew for a fact that alexander would not have made it up the stairs. alex yawned, then cut himself off by hiccuping. he broke into another fit of giggles, making john smile at the lovely, giddy sound. john cursed when alex tripped, more giggles falling from his lips.

"c'mon, alex." john sighed, grunting when alex went deadweight. "we gotta get you to bed."

"mr. laurens?"

john's head snapped around at the source of the voice. he smiled wearily.

"professor washington, good evening."

"everything alright?"

"just a little too much to drink, that's all."

"mr. hamilton is underaged."

john's face paled. he hoisted alex up since he was trying to embody a beached whale, eventually settling on just holding him in bridal carry. it dawned on him that he and lafayette were the only one that could legally buy alcohol. alex had awful tolerance, exhibit a.

"you're not going to report us, are you?"

"you know my motto: don't let me hear, see, or smell it and you'll be fine. i'll let you off this time. pretend i was never here."

washington looked at the two boys up and down. it was very puzzling to see alex piss drunk. he was usually put together, always bright eyed and bushy tailed. at least washington knew what he got up to in his free time when he was not reading or writing.

john bid washington goodbye, then scurried into the elevator. he managed to press the button for their floor and keep holding up alex. he sighed as they traveled up, just ready to put alex to bed. he looked down at him, then brushed his hair out of his face. a small smile came to him when alex looked up at him with dazed, glazed over eyes.

"do you love me?" alex asked.

john laughed gently. he kissed alex's sweat kissed forehead, then sighed. his skin was cool to the touch.

"i love you."

alex seemed content with this answer, because he nuzzled his head into john's chest. he then closed his eyes, a yawn working its way past his lips. the ding of the elevator signaled it opening, meaning they had reached their stop.

john carried his lover to his room, then used his foot to bang on the door. alex was not coherent enough to find his key, and john did not want to touch and feel around in his pockets to find it. he waited a few moments, then heard no response from the inside.

"laf! c'mon, i'm here to drop off alex."

john grumbled to himself, then kicked the door again. he stumbled, nearly dropping alex. the drunken boy simply yelped then giggled, his head lolling back to stare at the ground.

"lafayette!" john grumbled, kicking the door once more.

"can you shut up?" a voice to john's left shouted, clearly in a different room.

"i'm trying to return something!" john growled, realizing how stupid that sounded soon after.

john whined, then almost sat alex down on the floor. he had half a mind not to do so, instead standing him up. alex skipped away, then fell on his ass two seconds later. so much for not wanting him on the dirty ground.

with john's hands free, he grabbed his phone from his pocket and unlocked it. he quickly went to his messages to pull up lafayette's contact, itching to get him to retrieve alex. the phone didn't even ring, it went straight to voicemail. john nearly sobbed in frustration. he banged on the door with his fist, shouting out his friend's name. he pressed his ear to the door, trying to listen to what was happening.

~hamilton smut~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora