lams ~ gentle and simple.

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this is short and boring terribly sorry

alex laid on his back in his bed, his hands over his face at three in the morning. he let out a frustrated scream, then remembered how late it was. he covered his mouth, praying to whatever entity that he did not wake up his roommate, (also boyfriend), laurens. john usually policed alex's sleeping habits, or lack there of. if he woke up and found alexander in bed but simply staring blankly at the ceiling, hell would definitely be raised.

alex heard scratching at his door, so he quickly got up and opened it. he preened down at the kitten he and john had snuck into the dorm. they had found the tuxedo outside, neither of them wanted to leave the poor thing to fend for itself. god forbid their landlord found out, they would surely be paying a whole bunch of fees for having the animal. alex scooped up the kitten, then held it over his head. he cooed at it quietly while it stared back at him confused.

"alexander, what in the hell are you doing to the cat?"

hamilton swiftly put the cat to his chest, then stroked its head. he held it as if he was protecting it from whatever negative energy was going to begin floating around. he scowled at laurens before pressing a kiss to the cats head. he smiled down at it before looking up at john who had come to his doorway. an arm came to wrap around his waist, then lips pressed against his temple. the tiny lamp alex had that gave a warm glow was flipped on so john was able to look clearly at alex.

his eyes were bright, despite tiredness being laced throughout his body. he was swallowed up in one of john's hoodies, the only thing he had on underneath being boxers. he yawned almost every few seconds as if he were fighting the urge to go to sleep. john lifted alex's chin so he could press their lips together, to which the cat in alex's arms immediately squirmed away. john lazily wrapped his arms around alex's waist, then parted alex's lips with his own. he backed alex up so he was sitting on the bed, then climbed on top of him. his head went to rest on alex's chest, a groan escaping his lips.

"john, you're heavy." alex whined, a laugh working its way past his lips as he tried to push john off of him.

"yet your favourite position is missionary." john mumbled into his chest.

alex covered his hand as he laughed, knowing there was truth behind that statement. john finally relieved alex, then settled down next to him.

"why are you up?"

"i couldn't sleep."

"why didn't you get me earlier?"

"you were sleeping, i just decided to write until i passed out. it didn't work."

"i didn't even notice that you hadn't come to bed, i'm sorry. you were in the bathroom so i assumed you were right behind me."

"it's okay."

john sighed, then laid alex down. he climbed on top of him once more, this time placing one leg on the outside of alexander's thigh and the other in between his legs. alexander immediately ground himself against john's knee, his head falling back to bury itself into the soft mattress. john hummed softly at alex's reaction, indulging alexander by putting more pressure on his most sensitive area. alex's hips bucked up and his lips parted after that movement. he whimpered confusedly when john pick him up and placed him on his lap. he looked up at him and gently kissed his lips before traveling down to his neck. alex sighed in content, ravenously arching into john's touch. alex looped his arms around john's neck, then shuddered as he rolled his hips forward against john's pelvis.

"is there something i can do for you?" john hummed, knowing full and well what the answer would be.

alex nodded, a small puff of air falling past his lips. john's face took on an amused expression as he let his hand slip up alex's shirt.

"use your words for me."

alexander's face went red. he refrained from whining out the next words, having to swallow back his neediness. his hips rolled forward once again, this time slower.

"just jerk me off?"

"you're sure?"

"i wouldn't be asking if i wasn't."

john nodded, then smiled lightly at alex. john tilted his head up for another kiss, this time slipping his tongue into alex's mouth. he groaned softly when alex ground their stirring cocks together, a slight whine escaping his lips when he did so.

alex was the first to pull back, his hand trailing down john's chest. he stopped at the waistband of his sweatpants, then looked at john's face for consent. the words were said without hesitation before alex was snaking his hand down underneath john's pants and boxers. he blindly pulled john's cock out of the confines of his clothing before swiping his thumb over the head to spread the precum that was dripping from it down his length. his hand was warm against john's skin, the body heat now being shared. john leaned back on his forearms, a shuddering sigh escaping his mouth as he watched alex work. alex leaned against his chest, making john hold up most of his body weight. alex's strokes were soft and sensual but still firm, his fingers wrapped tightly around john. the movements had john panting as he let took his own hand and wrapped it behind alex's neck. he pulled him down for a deep kiss, which distracted alex until he felt a hand matching the rhythm of his own movements. he let out a choked moan into john's mouth, the heat in his stomach coming to announce its presence.

"this is okay?" john purred, his wrist twisting at just the right time.

alex gasped, his hips rolling into the tight ring of john's hand. he nodded eagerly, then slightly sped up his movements. john gently grabbed his wrist, making alex fall back to the former rhythm. alex looked at john confusedly before their foreheads were being pressed together.

"relax, alexander. we have time."

alex nodded against his boyfriend, then fluttered his eyes shut. he relished in the way john twisted his wrist and stroked his cock from head to base, the easy movements making him shake against him. it had been far too long since the two had indulged in anything like this. john knew this, which is why he was minding both of their sensitive states. he was ignoring the ache in the arm that was holding up both his and alex's weight, he had briefly forgotten about it. instead of switching their positions, john dealt with it. he smiled lazily when alex gasped and let out a choked cry of his name after he had given him three form strokes, a far contrast to his gentler touch.

"j-john, please." alex whimpered out, his eyes glossy and his face red.

the lazy smile on john's face slowly turned into a smirk. alex could feel his face heat up from just that expression change, his entire body was trembling as pleasure coursed through him. the orgasm building in him was making itself known by the excessive amount of precum that was dribbling from the head of his cock, just pooling onto john's fingers until he used it to provide an easy glide for his erotic movements.

"go on." john coaxed, his movements speeding up as alex gazed into his eyes.

alexander's breath picked up as the heat inside of him burst all at once, a choked off cry of john's name falling out of his lips as he came. just that made john's cock twitch in alex's hand, then a few seconds later his own release was spilling over alexander's hand as he tossed his head back and bit his lip to muffle himself. john took his hand away from alex as soon as he became restless, knowing that overstimulation would turn into pain. alex's hand fell from john's cock, now just resting at his side. john tucked himself away, then watched alex do the same.

john pushed himself up on his arm, the ache in it now running through. it was on pins and needles as he tried to stretch it out to regain some of the feeling. alex watched john roll his shoulder, then flashed him an apologetic look. john only smiled at him, then pressed a chaste kiss against his lips. john scooted off of alex's bed, then lifted him with little effort to carry him to the bathroom. the two washed their hands thoroughly, then turned towards their towels to dry them off. their kitten scampered as water dripped from their wet hands onto the poor thing by accident. alex frowned and uttered an apology to them after picking them up to kiss their forehead. john smiled then did the same. alex yawned and allowed john to lead him to his bedroom.

the second alex's head hit the pillow, he was out like a light. john smiled at his boyfriend, then kissed his cheek before drifting off as well.

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