lams ~ hate fucking.

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"when is this new roommate coming? it's been days. i am going to turn that damn room into an office space." john grumbled.

"no, you will not." lafayette responded as he chopped up onions in the kitchen.

hercules walked behind the couch which john was sat on. he slapped him in the back of his head, making the boy grumble.

the three young men had been living in their reasonably sized apartment for almost two weeks. their fourth roommate, alexander, was meant to arrive on the same day they all did. however, he was fashionably two weeks late. laf took on the responsibility of covering his part of the rent, for whatever reason.

"he should arrive today."

"you said that a week ago." john snapped.

"okay, well i am positive now." hercules replied back to john's snarky comment.

"why does he get the biggest room?"

laf and hercules exchanged a knowing glance, one john could not decipher.


john dramatically waved his hands in the air.

"shut up." herc waved a dismissive hand.

john frowned. who was this alexander and why was he uprooting everything when he was not even here?

everyone's head turned towards the door when there was the scratch of a lock and a key being turned. there in all his glory, alexander. he watched as laf ran to him and gave him a hug, immediately saying something in french. alex laughed, then made his way into the apartment. he waved at hercules and then his eyes stopped on john's.

"hi! we haven't met before, i'm alex." the young man smiled whilst introducing himself.

"i know, i've heard so much about you for the past two weeks." john said back, his eyes squinting.

lafayette nearly chucked alex's suitcase at john after seeing his expression and listening to his tone.

"yeah, i had some things to wrap up before coming here."

"i'm sure you did." john hummed. he pushed himself up off the couch, then began walking off to his room.

"did i do something?"

"no, not at all. i'll talk to him." herc reassured alexander with a quick pat on the back.

herc went and did exactly what he said he would. he knocked before opening the door to john's room, closing it behind him. john was on his bed, his arms held up in the air, with his phone in his hands.

"okay, what is it?" hercules asked.

"i don't think i know what you mean." john replied.

"oh, come on. what was that little scene out there?"

"there was no scene."

"you're an awful liar."

"and you are a pain in my ass."

"real mature, laurens. why were you acting like that towards alexander? you just met him."

"what's your point?"

"my point is you have no reason to act like that. he has done nothing to you."

"are you done? i'm busy."

"laurens, look at me,"

john sat up and looked at herc. he raised an eyebrow at him.

"just try to get along with him, please? for all of our sakes. you just met him. i promise you'll love him as much as laf and i do. just don't be an ass."

~hamilton smut~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora