lams ~ chair sex.

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john: alex
john: alex
john: alex
john: alex
john: alex

alex: ?!?!?!

alexander and john had been dating for two years. their relationship was as solid as a rock, it was unbreakable. the two attended the same university and had a shared apartment. they got along like a house on fire, they hardly bickered about anything serious. when they did argue, it was always resolved within two hours of taking time to cool down. they couldn't stay mad at each other, what good would that do?

the two had met when alex moved to new york. alexander was out at a bar and john was out at the same one with his friends, burr, lafayette, and mulligan. being that john was slightly tipsy and looking to meet someone, he ushered alexander over. they hit it off, they both got ice cream, and then they went their separate ways.

john: bathroom

alexander: im not coming im in class

john: aleeeeeeeeex

alexander: stfu

by the time alex's class was over, john had already returned to their apartment. he was sat in front of his laptop, typing away at an assignment. he grabbed the cup of coffee that was right next to his desk, drinking the remainder down in a few gulps. he shuddered, the caffeine tried to settle in his body. john looked up when he heard the door to the apartment open and then click, signaling that alexander was home. his boyfriend trudged in, a gentle expression worn on his face.

"hi, baby-girl."

"do not 'hi, baby girl' me," alexander grumbled, setting down his laptop case on a desk. "why were you spamming me during class? did you want another blow-job in the bathroom or something?"

john's face went red. he recalled the memory of being so hard that he slipped out of class and called alex saying it was an emergency. he was taken care of in five minutes, and teased about the predicament for weeks.

"i told you to never bring that up again."

"oh well," alex quipped as he walked over to where john was sitting. "how are you?"

"i'm fine, lex."

alexander hummed, then planted a kiss on john's lips. before he could walk away, his wrist was grabbed. he was pulled into another kiss, longer this time. john parted alex's lips with his own, his hands going to rest on the curve of alexander's waist. alex pulled away to break their kiss, his head falling to john's chest.

"you want to order in for dinner tonight?" john asked, gently rubbing his boyfriend's back.

"yeah. i want chinese."

"ugh, we had that last week."



"john," alex groaned. "make up your mind."

alex jumped up to wrap his legs around john's waist. his arms laced over his shoulders, he stared at him with a blank expression. john hoisted alexander higher up, his hands cupping the bottom of alex's thighs. alexander shifted before john stopped him.

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