lams ~ dry humping.

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i'm sorry this oneshot is short im v tired but me updating will come more consistently bc i already have other chapters in the works i just want to get one out for u guys

"remind me again why i'm carrying you?" john grunted, hoisting alex up higher on his back.

"because you love me. that and you were the one that wanted to double-date and walk around the city at night."

"he makes a good point, john." hercules laughed, eyeing the couple as the cold air sent chills down their spines.

even though it was only november in new york, it was already starting to get colder. alex could be seen trying to savour john's body heat by clinging to his back while they walked down the sidewalk. they were out on a double date with hercules and lafayette. it was a change from them always staying in their apartment and watching a movie just to call it a date.

"you could've walked to the car on your own, y'know." john groaned.

"and we could've stayed in and watched a movie but you want us to get out."

"because we never go on dates!"

"who says that we need to?"

"we're dating, therefore, we should go on dates."

"your logic is flawed."

"you two argue like a married couple." lafayette said, butting into their little banter.

"thank you!" alex chimed, yelping when john nearly tripped over a crack in the sidewalk.

"you suck." john mumbled underneath his breath.

"only when you want me to do." alex smirked, earning him a swift slap on the his thigh which was squeezing around john's waist.

"i don't know why i put up with you."

"because you love me."

john simply rolled his eyes as he trudged to the car which was parked on the side of the road. alex jumped off of john's back as soon as it was in reach, saying a quick goodbye to herc and laf. john could be seen cracking his back, mainly to be dramatic about carrying alexander. he gave both his friends a hug then got into his car to drive him and his boyfriend home.

it was a little bit after eleven p.m. when the couple arrived home. alex was curled in on himself while slotted in between john's legs. john had an arm around alex's waist, his hand on his hip. john's other hand was tilting alexander's chin up as they kissed. alex pushed himself closer to john, itching for them to be as close as possible. john pulled back, much to alex's displeasure. he looked down at his boyfriend with a soft smile before directing his attention back to the netflix show that they were watching.

"hey, john?"

"hm?" john hummed, diverting his attention from the television to look down at alexander.

"kiss me again?"

john bit back a laugh. alexander was the one in the relationship who craved any type of touch. he couldn't help it. whether it was just hugging, kissing, anything. he wanted it. he was like this since the beginning of their relationship. at first, john saw it as alex being clingy, but he soon grew to like it and appreciate the fact that he liked him that much that he wanted to be touching all the time.

john connected their lips again, fulfilling alex's request. they kissed slowly and deeply, wanting the moment to last forever. alexander took one of his legs and swung it over john's waist, trying to coax him to get on top. john made him fight for it, knowing that he would get frustrated and that would lead to mostly embarrassing pleads. john finally humoured alex, twisting his body to get on top. one arm was folded so he was able to hold himself up, the other was cupping alex's face. john pulled back to kiss down alexander's jaw, then his neck.

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