pheacker ~ pool sex

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"okay, but like, hear me out- -,"

"i've been hearing you out for the past hour! it's time for us to actually begin working."

"it's a friday night and we're working on a stupid group project! we should be out getting fucked up, not focusing on grades."

"i'm here on a scholarship, i'm happy that you have a daddy with lots of money that can help you afford to attend school here."

"hey, no. i'm also here on a scholarship."

"granted, you're also alexander hamilton's son, but, i'm sure that has nothing to do with it."

"eacker, please! just take me to one party and i promise i'll shut up and we can work for the rest of the weekend."

"philip- -,"



"i promise you that i won't get drunk."

"i don't believe you."

"but- -,"

"if we go to the pool will you shut the fuck up? i can let you smoke at my house, my parents aren't home."

"yes! i will shut up, i promise."

"go change your clothes."


soon enough, philip was sat on the bench in george's hot-tub, the heated water lapping at his rib-cage. it was early december in new york, so obviously the weather wasn't exactly suitable for swimming, but this sure did shut the hamilton up. george was walking on the deck of the pool, squatting down next to philip but not actually getting in the water. he stuck a blunt in between philip's lips, watching intently as he pursed his lips around it and blew out a large cloud of smoke. philip let his head fall back and just hang, fluttering his eyes open only after a few seconds to see george staring at him.

"what?" philip hummed.


philip nodded, turning his upper body around and grabbing george's wrist. he led it to him, his wet hand letting water drip down george's arm. george's lips parted as philip opened his mouth to take another hit from the blunt. he watched his eyes travel from the sky to his eyes, staring him down. george let his tongue drag across his bottom lip, biting down softly before getting into the pool with philip.

"i never knew that you could be quiet," george teased. "cat got your tongue?"

philip rolled his eyes, a small scoff leaving his mouth. he stared off into space as he could feel george's gaze burning a hole in his cheek.

"i know how to be quiet. i just choose not to sometimes."

"you certainly get that from daddy dearest, hm?"

"i guess so."

george nodded, turning away to smoke. he watched as the cloud dissipated into the air when he blew out.

"what's your infatuation with parties?" george questioned.

"the high you get from being there. drinking, smoking. the chance of getting laid."

eacker couldn't help but laugh. philip turned his head to look at him, an eyebrow raising.

"you can do all of that without going to a party."

"except for the last one." philip mumbled.

"are you not dating that georges kid?"

philip choked and sputtered on absolutely nothing. eacker couldn't stop his laughter. he turned away from philip's dramatics, trying to calm down.

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