Later that evening Charles and Arthur had knocked on Elle's hotel room door with a bunch of flowers and some chocolates.

"Nous sommes désolés de vous avoir oublié à l'aéroport" "We are sorry for forgetting you at the airport" They both said in unison while Charles reached out his hands which were holding the gifts.

"Oh mes frères" "oh my brothers" Elle said as she took the gifts of Charles.

"Eh bien, allez-vous nous laisser nous démarquer ici en pyjama ou allez-vous nous laisser entrer" "Well are you going to let us stand out here in our pyjamas or are you going to let us in" Arthur said looking Elle dead in the eyes.

"Oh désolé r, entrez" "Oh sorry yeah come in" Elle motioned for her two brothers to enter. Charles and Arthur entered and immediately sat down on the couch. Arthur grabbed the blanket from behind him and threw it over Charles and himself.

"Hé, je viens de ranger ça" "Hey I just tidied that" Elle exclaimed.

"Oups désolé maman jr" "Oops sorry mum jr" Arthur said while Charles burst out laughing. Soon enough a pillow came flying at the two boys heads.

"Owwww ça fait mal" "Owwww that hurt" exclaimed Charles rubbing his head.

"Vous êtes censé être et pilote f1" "Your supposed to be and f1 driver" Elle said as she walked over to the couch.

"Je sais, mais je n'ai jamais su qu'un porcelet pouvait jeter un oreiller comme ça" "I know but I just never knew a piglet could throw a pillow like that" Charles couldn't help himself. Arthur just laughed hysterically while Elle stared at the two of them in complete shock.

"Regardez-le" "Watch it" Elle had the ability to make the boys stop immediately even though the was young than the two of them. "De toute façon, pourquoi êtes-vous venu pour elle" "Anyway what have you come her for" Elle continued to ask.

"Oh euh alors ouais je euhmm je" "Oh erm so yeah I uhmm I" Charles started to speak but couldn't get the words out, Elle knew something was up, the whole mood seemed to shift when she asked the question.

"Charles, tu peux me dire tout ce que tu sais, c'est vrai, il en va de même pour toi Arthur" "Charles you can tell me anything you know that right, same goes for you Arthur" Elle had know walked over and sat on the stool in front of her brothers.

"Eh bien Elle, j'ai juste l'impression que ma performance au cours des dernières semaines en f1 et pour Ferrari a été mauvaise et je ne peux m'empêcher d'avoir honte et que je vous ai tous laissés tomber, en particulier vous et Arthur, je veux vous rendre tous fiers et quand je ne le fais pas, ça fait mal, je suis tellement désolé" "Well Elle I just feel like my performance over the past few weeks in f1 and for Ferrari has been bad and I can't help but feel ashamed and that I have let you all down, especially you and Arthur , I want to make you all proud and when I don't it hurts, I'm so so sorry Elle" Charles blurted out, it was silent until Elle spoke.

"Oh Charles, n'ayez pas honte, Arthur et moi vous aimons beaucoup et nous n'avons jamais honte de vous, donc vous ne devriez jamais avoir honte de vous-même, les gens traversent des moments difficiles et cela peut être le vôtre, cela ne signifie certainement pas que nous ne sommes pas fiers de vous. Charles pour moi, tu es l'une des deux personnes les plus importantes du monde entier, je ne pourrais jamais être aussi fier de toi et de ce que tu réalises" "Oh Charles don't feel ashamed, me and Arthur love you very much and we are never ashamed of you so you should never be ashamed of yourself , people go through there rough patches and this may be yours, this certainly does not mean we are not proud of you. Charles to me you are one of the two most important people in the whole world, I could never be so proud of you and what you achieve" Elle moved from the stool and squeezed herself in between her brothers on the couch then covered herself up with the same blanket.

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