Chapter 32 - I don't push her away

Start from the beginning

"So it's my fault you're dating and didn't tell me?" I now cross my arm over my chest.

"I'm not saying that, all I'm saying is that it feels like there's only space for your things. If it's not you, then it's not worth talking about it." I soften my angry look. That's hard to hear.

"I..." I want to say that she's wrong, but I know she's right.  I guess that apart from being a terrible girlfriend, I'm also a terrible friend. "I'm sorry. I want you to tell me your things, not just talk about my drama.''

I still feel like crying, because well, my drama seems to have intensified even more after today and I do want to talk to her about it, but I don't want her to feel that it's all about me. I want to be there for her as well and celebrate her happiness.

I won't say anything to her about today's mess. Not after this. I want to talk about her relationship with Harris, not my lack of relationship with Bennett or whatever is going on between us.

"Well, to be fair, I'm the one who brings up the topic all the time. so it's my fault too." We both smile and I know it's our silent way of saying that things are fine.

"So, Harris, uhn? Since when are you a thing?" She fits the floor and her cheeks are red.

I've never seen Lilly embarrassed like this and it's quite funny.

"Remember we went on that date because Miss Bergman wanted us to bond for real?" I nod. "Well, we bonded for real. It was so nice, we have a lot in common and it just happened from there. It's been only a couple weeks that we're official though."

"That's amazing! I'm happy for you, Lil. A couple weeks though? Why are you keeping it a secret?" I take my hand to my chin.

"It's not a secret, we just want to focus on the school play and there's a lot going on for Harris too, so we decided to keep it low-key." I nod.

"So low-key you couldn't tell your best friend." She rolls her eyes at me, but she knows I'm joking. Or not, really. "We have to go on a double date!"

"We totally do, just with who?" I glare at her.

"Let's not talk about me. This is about you." I half smile.

She goes on telling me about her new relationship and I can't help but think about her question for a second.

Deep down I guess who I would like to go on a double date with is a question I need to ask myself too.


"All right everyone, get on your assigned bus. I don't want to have to call your parents and explain to them why you were left in New York all by yourselves because you don't pay attention. Let's go!" Our teacher yells, going around like crazy trying to gather everyone so we can leave.

Lilly and I spend until the very last second talking before getting on the bus. I saw Bennett going inside the same bus we're supposed to be on, so I'm avoiding it as much as possible.

I haven't seen him since we last talked... well, kissed, and I feel that if I see him, I might have a breakdown or something.

Get your shit together.

Don't kiss me again.

This was all a mistake.

Bennett's words are on my mind, mixed with what Anna and Lilly told me.

He likes you, Alex.

He was just jealous.

He told me he's in love with you.

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