That's off the chain!

Start from the beginning

"Guys! This isn't a Christmas wish contest! If we want to vote the chicks out, then our bikes have to kick butt! Capiche?" Duncan said, trying to get their heads in the game.

"Right! Whaling chompers!" Geoff said

"Kick butt! Yes! Let's do it!" Owen said

"Guys alliance. Woo..." Dj said, looking unsure.


I built up a basic frame for my bike before looking for useful stuff in the pile of junk Chris had supplied us with.

I found go cart and opened it up. "Yes" I cheered quietly, seeing the engine was still intact. I pulled it out and brought it over to my bike.

"What're you doing?" Alex asked me

"Since we'll probably have to race our bikes later, I'm attaching a motor to make mine faster" I explained

"You sure you can manage that?" he asked.

"I'm quite good when it comes to machinery and programing" I said confidently, continuing to tinker with the engine.


Scarlett: My brother pulled my hair once. So I programmed all of his remote controlled toys to come to life and attack him in the night. Every night. For six years. He's still in therapy *Smirks*.


I continued to work with the motor until it ran before attaching it to my bike and connecting it to the wheels.

"Hey, you guys remember your first bike ride?" I heard Owen say

"Oh yeah, I wiped out to bad that I popped my collar bone. You could see it hanging right out of my shoulder, it was wicked" Duncan grinned

"I flew so far off my handle bars that I skid for a mile! Skin was hanging off me in chunks!" Geoff smiled

"I crashed into a tree and knocked out like, four teeth and got a blood nose" Alex said

"Hahaha, that's nothing! I popped my arm right out of my socket! It took three doctors to hold me down while they slingshot it back in place!" Owen laughed

They laughed, before sighing and saying "Good times!".

"This is why males have been scientifically proven to live shorter lives that females" I muttered, tightening some bolts on my bike


I ended up painting my bike yellow and putting a metal crate over the engine to keep it protected. When I wanted to turn the engine on and off, I'd just have to yank a cord attached to the handlebars.

We gathered for Chris to judge our bikes.

"Excellent aerodynamics Heather!" Chris said to Heather

"It only weighs two ounces!" Heather bragged shamelessly

"Like her brain" Gwen smirked. Her bike had bat wings attached to the back.

"Spooky, and yet practical" Chris noted, before moving on to mine.

"What's the big box?" he asked. I opened the container to reveal the engine "Impressive" he noted, before moving on to Alex's.

Alex's was painted red with black and white music notes on the frame.

"Sweet design dude" Chris said.

He judged the rest, some good, some shit.

"Where's Izzy and LeShawna?" Chris asked. We glanced around, but they weren't there. I wonder what they were doing?

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