Chapter 18

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Jungkook is restless, very very restless. He is pacing around the room with a big frown, nervousness was clear in his face. He is tense and intrigued.

Jungkook was indeed planing to talk to Taehyung today to clear things out but he didn't expect that the elder himself call him to meet tomorrow.

He said he is taking Jungkook somewhere as a date and there will be a little surprise for him. Jungkook didn't like it, not a bit. Specially the surprise part.

It's almost time and a servant knock on his door to inform that Taehyung is already here. Jungkook doesn't want to face the elder and tell him the truth after hearing Taehyung's somewhat exited voice, but he has to.

Jungkook came downstairs and his breath hitched. There he is sitting, wearing a black suit with red turtleneck underneath manspreading with all his glory. "Damn he's hot"

Taehyung felt someone's stare at him and he look at the direction only to see his boyfriend looking like a beautiful flower. His dark eyes which were somehow exited yet tense ease a little and give a soft smile to Jungkook.

"Hey babay, how are you" Jungkook felt guilty, so so guilty after seeing Taehyung's smiling so softly and adoration in his eyes. His heart clenched at the thought of hurting him.

"I'm fine hyung. How about you?" Jungkook replied softy and slowly walk toward Taehyung wearing a silk white shirt and blue pent looking like a doll.

"I hope I could reply the same Jungkook but you are aware that you are distancing your self from me aren't you?" Taehyung said with a little hurt in his voice which hurts Jungkook too.

"I-I aah" Taehyung's interrupted him and said "it's okay lets not talk about it, we are going in a very nice place I know you will like it and after that I hope we can catch up like before or more then that"

Jungkook's stomach make a flip hearing this. "No we can't be like before Taehyung"

Jungkook nodded and give Taehyung a tight forced smile, he tried to put everything to make the smile real but Taehyung clearly see the forced smile which make him tense more.

"Everything will be fine Taehyung don't think that much, my petal loves me, he won't reject me, he won't right?" Many thoughts is coming in is mind and with a deep frown Taehyung started to drive with Jungkook beside him in the passenger seat.


Namjoon was cooking with his little niece in the kitchen, after all today is Sunday and he loves to spend time with his niece. And trust me she is adorable. So he always come to his brother's house in weekends or the vice versa .

"Samchon, don't make a mess please be careful and don't break things" a cute 9 years old scold his uncle cutely because he is too clumsy

Namjoon is actually not a kitchen person, but living alone eventually make him learn the cooking and that doesn't change the fact that he is very clumsy and break things here and there

"I'm sorry Jangmi I will be carefu-" and there he drop the sauce bottle on the floor because some of the oil drops splash on his hand

Jangmi put his hand on his head and shout "samchooon uggh" and Namjoon only sheepishly smile, she sighed and started to clean the mess where Namjoon is more careful in cooking now

After more half an hour they were done with the cooking and taking the food on the table, where our active Jangmi was also helping her uncle

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