"It seems like your friends are lucky to have you."

"I'm pretty sure I'm the only reason they're still alive," they chuckle at her reply as if it was a joke, but she was telling the truth, "Okay, I've got you all cleaned up now let's get you numb."

Peter continues to stare at her as she throws away the gauze that was just used to clean his wounds. He keeps screaming at himself that he doesn't know this girl but a part of him keeps yelling back that he does. He keeps repeating in his head that Y/N is dead. There's no way she came back from the dead just to become a nurse in a town called Beacon Hills. Plus, she said she's nineteen and his sister would be eighteen.

"Now, I could give you multiple shots to numb your wounds, but we are going to use something else," she grabs a jar from her cart before showing it to him, "This is some pretty powerful numbing cream. It works a lot faster than the shots and it will be a lot less painful. It will also relieve some of your pain."

She opens the jar before gently scooping out a small amount of the cream. He winces as she starts to rub the cream onto one of his wounds. Her movements become slower and gentler to not hurt him any further.

The relief is almost automatic. It's as if the pain had been sucked out of his leg. Every time she applies more to his wounds, the less and less pain he has.

For a moment, he swore he saw some black lines running up her arm like veins. He watches to see if he'll see them again, but her gloves and the long-sleeved shirt she is wearing underneath her blue scrubs block him from seeing more. He convinces himself that he's either seeing things or that she must have a tattoo of something.

"What is this stuff?" Peter asks in shock. "We need some of this."

"Good luck finding some," Y/N laughs at the look on his face, "I've asked my bosses multiple times where they are getting this from, but they refuse to tell me. It works like magic, doesn't it?"

"It's better than magic."

"Well, now that you can no longer feel anything, let's remove these splinters."

Tony watches as the nurse removes the splinters from his son's leg. This was the first time they brought Peter to an actual hospital in years. Most of his injuries heal quickly enough so that they don't have to, or Bruce deals with any major injuries he has. Looking at him now, he can't help but remember the last time he brought him to a hospital.


A pained scream echoed throughout the small cabin.

Tony quickly abandoned his paperwork as he ran to Peter's room. He opened the door to find a five-year-old Peter sitting on the ground and holding his left arm to his chest. Tears were streaming down his face as his two-year-old sister was sitting next to him hugging him in comfort.

"What happened," Tony quietly asked as he moved toward Peter and Y/N.

"I-I wanted t-to be like yo-you," Peter choked out through his tears, "I-I tried to fl-fly."

Tony sighed knowing that he must have jumped off the top of his bunk bed. This wasn't the first time this had happened. Two months ago, when Bucky was babysitting the two, Peter almost gave him a heart attack because he walked into his room to find him trying to swing on the ceiling fan.

"Where are you hurt?" Tony could see that he must have hurt his arm, but he wanted Peter to tell him where he was hurting.

"Arm." That's all Peter said as he continued holding onto his arm as if it would fall off if he let go.

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now