Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

"Good work today, be prepared for more extreme training next week." They yelled 'yes sir' and I went up to Eraserhead. "You ready?" He asked.

This is the last test. I can do it. "Yep ready!" He nodded. Before he could say anything else a hand landed on my shoulder.

I don't know why but I didn't feel right, I didn't feel like me.

I jabbed my elbow back into them and turned around to pin whoever touched me down. I didn't realize what I was doing until Eraserhead yelled at me.

"Y/n get off him now!" I quickly got off of him and got away from him. Why did I do that?

I had pinned Kaminari down, he got up and I just couldn't look up at him. I kept my hands to my chest and just stared at the ground.

Eraserhead was saying something but I couldn't hear him, I was scared. I didn't know what to do now.

I quickly left the training area and made my way back to the workshop. I closed the door and put my back on it. Just breathe, just breathe it was an accident they know that.

Right? They know I wouldn't hurt them, right? What if they think I haven't changed, what if Eraserhead sends me away?

I cried, for the first time in a while.

I stayed in the workshop for the rest of the day.

I sat in the corner of Hatsume's workspace, she was gone today because she wanted to go to some gadget convention so it was just me.

I stared at the wall, thinking about what I did. I still don't understand why I did that or even how I did that but I did. I'm just praying this doesn't set me back, I don't want to have to work all over again.

I heard the door opened but didn't bother to look at who it was. "What the hell are you doing?" He's the person I want to see and kinda don't want to see right now.

"Nothing." I heard footsteps and then suddenly he was in front of me. "Get up, we gotta go." I looked up at him confused. "Go where?"

He groaned and lifted me off the ground like it was nothing. He threw me over his shoulder and started walking. "What the fuck let me go!"

I tried to push myself off of his shoulder but he held on tight. "Shut the fuck up and just listen."

I didn't want to but I also wanted to hear what he was going to say. "What happened wasn't your fault." I scoffed. "The hell are you on?"

"Shut up!" He yelled before speaking again. "That idiot knows what happened to you, he should have used his common sense before sneaking up on you like that."

What he was saying was nice, nicer than what he usually says but I couldn't force myself to believe it.

I sighed. "Look I appreciate you trying to make me feel better but what I did was my fault. I didn't even know I could do that but still."

He finally put me down and looked at me. "What's wrong with you?" I was confused. "What?" He flicked my head.

I made an 'ow' sound and rubbed my head. "Aizawa says I need to know some things that are crucial to your recovery. What the hell is he talking about?"

Damn you Eraserhead, I wanted to keep that away from him. I stopped rubbing and prepared myself to explain. "I have Dissociative amnesia."

He took a while to let that sink in. "But you know you who are." I flatly smiled at him. "Before I didn't,"

I explained a little about what happened at the hospital and why I was allowed to come here.

I didn't mention me being bad before, I don't want to just yet.

He didn't say anything else and grabbed my hand, dragging me to the classroom. When we got there he practically threw me in and I saw everyone there.

I looked at the ground and just stood there, I can't do this. I can't- "Y/n why didn't you tell us you were crazy strong?!"


I looked up at them confused. "Dude you gotta teach me that move. Did you see how fast she was?!" I don't understand.

"Y/n do you train regularly? Why didn't you tell us?! We could have been training together this whole time."

Bakugo came up beside me and whispered. "They're not afraid of you, so chill." They're not. Why not? I don't get it.

They all stopped talking. "Y/n what's wrong?" I wiped my eyes and shook my head. "Nothing, nothing's wrong."

Mina smiled and slung her arm over my shoulder. "Aw Y/n you're so cute!" I laughed at that. "I don't see how."

She brought me over to everyone else and they started asking me questions about my 'technique'. I couldn't answer them because I didn't know the answers to them.

Things died down when Eraserhead walked in. He saw me and motioned for me to follow him outside the classroom.

I didn't realize Bakugo had followed me out so now it was me, Eraserhead, and Bakugo in the hallway. I spoke first. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know I was gonna do that. It was just-

"Instinct." Eraserhead finished for me. Is that what it's called? "Do you know what muscle memory is?" He asked me.

I instantly knew the answer. "It's a process that allows you to remember certain motor skills and perform them without conscious effort."

To dumb it down for some of you, my body remembers learning that move I used on Kaminari even though my brain doesn't.

So it's wasn't me but it was? It's confusing. "You're alright kid, this is a good thing. This could mean you could get your memory backs soon."

Do I want them back?

I'm not sure if I do. "So what do we do now?" He scratched his jaw. "We still have to go to Recovery girl for your test. Let's head there now and get it over with."

I nodded but before I started walking I looked over at Bakugo. "Do you want to come?" He already knows about my tests so it doesn't really matter now.

He thought for a moment before speaking. "Got nothing better to do."

1587 Words

How was it?

"Got nothing better to do." Yeah sure😗

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