Chapter 25 Sing your Heart Out

Start from the beginning

"Er, there's somewhere we gotta go first," he said to her, clearing his throat to hide his heated-up face. "You look drop-dead gorgeous, by the way." She smiled at him.

"Thanks, babe. But aren't we double-dating? I thought Michelle was coming too. Where exactly are we going?" Paige asked, narrowing her gaze.

"Somewhere fancy—and it's a good thing you're ready so, let's go." Payton hurriedly led her to the car before she could ask more questions. Once they left, Brook got up and knocked on the girls' trailer door.

"Michelle? You ready?" The door opened and Michelle stood there in a short, black-busted dress with a pink satin flair skirt and strappy black and silver heels. Brook blinked.

 Brook blinked

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"Wow..." he stared at her, enthralled. He quickly wiped a little drool off the edge of his mouth, making Michelle giggle.

"Mission accomplished," she said triumphantly. Brook grinned back and slid a hand around her waist drawing her closer.

"Absolutely perrrfecto," Brook said, his rolling Spanish accent almost seducing her with his tone. "You know that outfit is very dangerous." He continued huskily in her ear.

"Why's that?" She asked.

"Because you're tempting me so damn much to take it off," he said, tilting his head to kiss her cheek. She reddened down to her neck and gave him a playful push.

"Come on Brook, or we'll be late for our own date," she laughed although she was pleased by his compliment. Brook stepped back.

"Right." He wondered how she'd react if she found out the actual 'date' part wouldn't come till much later...

"Why didn't we take the Bugatti?" Michelle asked Brook  later as he drove along in a chic Mercedes open-top convertible

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"Why didn't we take the Bugatti?" Michelle asked Brook later as he drove along in a chic Mercedes open-top convertible. She had been surprised to find him driving an unfamiliar car on the way to wherever they were going for their date and even more so when he said it was a rental.

"It's part of what I have planned for tonight," Brook answered her with a secret smile. "Having an open top will come in handy later."

"Okaaay, someone's being coy tonight," Michelle teased him, grazing her fingers against his arm.

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