"Hey, Hatsume! We were just gonna show Y/n the workshop!" She looked over and when she saw me her eyes sparkled.

"So the star of the world has finally come to learn from the best!" Star of the world?

"Uh yeah, I guess. They told me you build things here." She nodded really fast. "Come on newbie let's get started." She grabbed my wrist tightly and dragged me inside.

The others didn't come in though, I looked back and they were all waving bye at me.

What the hell?! Don't leave me here!

The door closed so now it was just me and Hatsume. I didn't know what to do so I just stayed where I was. "So what are you hoping to build?"

What do I want to build? "I don't know. I really didn't get a chance to think about it." She ignored me and pushed me over to a work desk. "Just start building things! I'll be over here if you need anything!"

She went over to a contained room and immediately I heard banging and loud drilling noises. Okay, so she's crazy, got it.

I looked around at the desk and saw random parts everywhere. What the hell am I supposed to make with these?

I looked at them a bit more before realizing what I could make. It was all just clicking in my head like I was back just reading the manuals.

I grabbed the goggles that were hanging on the wall and got to work.

Aizawa's Pov:

I woke up from my nap to see my students sitting awkwardly at their desks.

Mina, Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima were avoiding my eyes. What did they do now? I looked around to see what they could have possibly destroyed but didn't see anything wrong.

Until I saw one empty desk.

I activated my quirk. "Where is she?" Everyone started talking at once, pointing fingers, yelling they had nothing to do with it, and Midoriya crying.

"Be quiet!" They all shut up and looked at me. "Iida." He stood up and moved his hands all around. "Mina, Kaminari, Sero, Kirishima, and Bakugo took her to Powerloader's workshop!"

He sat down and I deactivated my quirk. "You five come with me." They reluctantly got up and followed me out of the classroom.

I crossed my arms. "Why did you take her there and why isn't she with you now?" Mina explained what happened and then told me she was probably still there.

I can't get by on a 'probably'. "And you didn't think to ask me first?" They all looked over at Bakugo who was looking away. "What? She wanted to go but you were holding her back."

I squinted my eyes at him. I told the other four to go back inside and I spoke to Bakugo alone. "Has she told you?" He finally looked at me but confused.

"Told me what?" I know she's been getting closer to Bakugo, not to my liking, I assumed she had told him about herself at this point.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Look it's her business, but if you want to be close to her you have to know some things that are crucial to her recovery."

He was really confused. "What the hell are you talking about?" She really hasn't told him anything. You're making this harder on yourself kid.

"Nevermind, you can't just let her wander off on her own. She has to stay with someone at all times do you understand?"

He rolled his eyes. "She's not alone, she's with that gadget freak." That's even worse.

"Do you understand?" He groaned and yelled. "I fucking understand!" I sent him back to the classroom as I went to the workshop to get Y/n out of there.

Hopefully, she hasn't died yet, given Hatsume's blowing up things phase.

Y/n's Pov:

I finished!

I quickly picked up what I made, I turned around to go show Hatsume when instead I saw Eraserhead standing right there.


He came up to me and spoke. "I hope leaving was fun because you're grounded for...until I say you're not."

What's grounded? "I'm sorry okay? I just wanted to go somewhere by myself for once and look nothing bad happened!"

He just stared at me before taking a deep breath. "I get it alright, but it's not a matter if anything bad happened."

I didn't understand. "You have to think about the consequences before you do something. Otherwise next time something bad could happen."

I think I scared him, not of me, the thought of not knowing where I am. I know I'm in trouble but I couldn't help but feel glad he cared about me.

I nodded. "I'm sorry." He just patted my head. "It's fine for now. You're still in trouble but at least you're not hurt or anything."

He wiped some grim I had on my face. "What did you do in here anyway?" I smiled and showed him what I made. "Tada!"

He was unimpressed. "A toaster?" I quickly dropped my smile and shook my head. "Not just any toaster!" I went over and plugged it in.

I put two pieces of bread in it and in a matter of ten seconds it popped out. I showed him the now-made toast with jelly spread on it.

"It's a toaster that does the complete process of making toast! You can put jam, jelly, peanut butter, butter, chocolate spread, and avocado in it so you don't have to get your hands dirty and in just ten seconds you can have a small breakfast!"

He laughed a bit. "You spent a whole hour making a toaster for lazy people." What's wrong with being lazy? "Yeah, I don't know I wanted to start with something simple."

He looked at the toaster and then at me. "Is this something you want to do again?"

Yeah, I'm good at this and I enjoy it. "I think this is what I want my job to be."

1522 Words

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Ik quirkless reader becoming a hero gear engineer is pretty common but I personally like it so I added it

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