Chapter 19: Jeff

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I woke up the next morning curled up against him. I felt slightly sore as I stretched, squeezing my legs together. I rested my cheek on his chest, my hand on his stomach.

"I was wondering when you would be waking up." He said softly, running his fingers through my hair.

We had sex two more times that night, and to my own amazement, I was the instigator in both situations. Once I knew what I was missing, I couldn't get enough of him.

I moved my face to peek up at him and smiled small, "I feel so tired."

He chuckled and leaned down, kissing my forehead, "Well someone was very busy last night."

I turned my face back into his chest and giggled, "Me? Never."

He chuckled and reached over for the hotel phone, "How about coffee and some breakfast?"

"Mmm, sure, I just want a coffee and like a croissant." I said turning back to face him.

I watched as he ordered our room service, and everything about him seemed extra wonderful to me today. His lips looked so plump and pink, his smile bright, his dimples, I could trace forever. I knew I was falling for Harry Styles, but last night made my feelings tied to him in a whole different way.

When he hung up, he sat up and I did too, pulling the sheet against my naked body.

"Are you okay though? No regrets?" He said softly, his face turned to me with slight concern.

"None whatsoever. I'm sore, but I feel wonderful." I smiled at him, reaching up and running my thumb along where his dimple would be.

He smiled and leaned in, kissing me softly, "Good, because it was the best night I've had in a long time. Sharing all of it with you."

I smiled soft, "You mean that?"

"I do." He said running the tip of his nose along mine.

I smiled and kissed him softly, "I hate how busy today is going to be."

"I do too. I should probably get up and shower." He stretched, rubbing his eyes.

"Do that, I'll find something to wear meanwhile you do and wait for the food."

He pulled me in his arms and kissed me, "Okay, don't leave me."

I chuckled, "I won't."

Once Harry was up and in the shower, I got on and slipped on his shirt from last night, it fit so long against my short frame. I opened up my suitcase and began taking out clothes to shower once Harry was done. I heard a knock at the door, and quickly pulled out a pair of pj shorts to slip on under my shirt, assuming it was the room service.

The knock came again, and I yelled out, "Coming."

I opened the door, and froze when Jeff stood there and not the room service.

"Oh. I thought, it...sorry, I just, Harry ordered us room service, for when we went over the day. I thought it was them." I spoke quickly, swallowing.

"Right. And where is he now." Jeff said raising an eyebrow looking my up and down.

"Shower. Um, come in." I said, opening the door the rest of the way. I quickly made my way over to my suit case closing it and zipping it up, thankful that I had stored Harry's away in the closet, "Uh, do you want coffee? I can call down and have it added."

"Christina, sit, please." I took a deep breath and sat on the couch opposite of the one he chose to sit at, "Did you sleep here last night?"

", I just..."

"And what if she did Jeff?" I turned to see Harry, wrapped in a towel. His wet hair dripping down his face. His chest bare.

"Harry, you know the rules. I've explained them to her as well, what do the two of you think you are doing? And you stood up Camille!"

"I didn't stand her up, she agreed to cancel dinner. And thanks to her. I was informed of an agreement that's you made with out my consent. Which I'm wondering, when were you planning on telling me?" Harry said, his serious face never breaking.

"Harry, that's what I was coming here to do. But finding this situation, I can just fire her now and avoid all the other mess with Camille." Jeff said with a smirk on his face.

I felt my heart beat hard against my chest, my eyes widening, but before I could even speak, Harry spoke up, "No, you will not. I'll do the stupid stunts with Camille, but no more after the ones already agreed on. Christy will not be fired, and I will continue to see her as I please."

"I won't continue her contract over seas Harry."

"That's fin—No it's not. I was counting on that contract Harry. Jeff please, I really need that." I said, I felt like I could throw up in that moment.

"Then you will have it." He looked at me softly before turning to Jeff, "I have a say in who my assistant is Jeff. She's staying."

"Do you have any idea how bad this will look if the media found out? Harry dating his assistant of all people. It's just bad all around."

"Why?" Harry said angrily.

"It's just the morality of the matter Harry. You are her boss."

"They won't." I spoke up, "I promise, Jeff, they won't. You can fire me the moment they do."


"No, Harry, he's right. The media will run crazy with it. I'm not saying I'm giving you up. I'm just saying we will be extra careful. Like we have been this entire time." I took a deep breath, looking at Harry, hoping he would just back me up on this.

"Fine," he turned to Jeff, "But no funny business, Jeff. I will not tell you where she and I are going to be. You will not know any detail. You will not be the source to any story. Got it?"

Harry was angry, and I couldn't help but feel like part of that anger was towards me.

"Fine. Deal, excuse me." Jeff said, leaning angrily.

Once the door closed, I felt like I could finally breath again. I brought my legs up towards my chest hiding my face in them.

"I'm sorry Harry." I said softly and soon he was at my side.

"No baby, I'm sorry." He pulled me towards him and held me close, "I'm putting your lively hood at risk, and I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I know anger took over. I'm sorry I made a decision without discussing with you first, I just really need this job." I said softly and he kissed the top of my head.

"I know. I know." He said, still just holding me.

We both sat there in silence until we needed to get ready to leave. The whole situation weighing heavy on my chest.

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