Chapter 15: Jeopardy

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AN: It's a long one, but I really liked it. Don't forget to vote.

I got home as my dad was just waking up. I started the coffee maker and decided I would let him take the reigns this morning before I asked him about Harry.

He walked into the kitchen as always and when he saw I hadn't take out his bottles of medicine, he walked over and did it himself. I watched him carefully and was happy when he didn't pull them out in alphabetical order. Instead he grabbed the entire box we had them stored in and set them on the counter.

He looked at me, and then down at the bottles. He reached for the one in the middle and quickly put it back, taking his pill from left to right instead, because it was in order. I walked over and kissed his cheek.

"It's okay dad, you brought them all out together I know that's a big step for you." I smiled at him and he nodded.

"Did you make it on time to pick up the British boy?"

I laughed, "Are you always going to call him that? And yes I did. I dropped him off at home."

"Maybe, what's his name again, Charlie?" He said and laughed.

"Harry dad, which reminds me. Look what he brought." I walked over to my purse and pulled out the little bag holding the magnet. I brought it back to my dad and he opened it slowly.

I watched as he held it in his hand, and ran his finger over it, "That was sweet of him. I told him you were upset. He remembered."

I nodded, "Yeah. Which brings me to my next two questions. First, when did he call?"

"When you were showering." He answered simply.

"Okay, makes sense. And the second question is, would you mind if he spent the day with us today?" I said as the coffeemaker went off. Neither of us moved, because I knew he needed to hear it three times before serving it.

"Does he like Jeopardy?" He raised an eyebrow at me and I laughed.

"I'm sure we can make him a Jeopardy enthusiast." I smiled and he nodded.

"Sure. He can. What time should I be ready?" He walked over to the coffee pot on the second beep and I considered it another win for him today.

"Umm, well I know he was going to sleep some, so let's say 1pm? Okay?" I smiled and he nodded, going about the rest of his morning.

C: Be here at 1pm.

H: see you then.

My dad sat in his chair working on a crossword puzzle as I made some shrimp pasta for us to have as a late lunch when Harry got here.

"Dad, do you want to help me with the salad? It's one of those baggie ones."

"Sure. Two more words." He smiled at me.

"Okay, take your time." I smiled.

The door bell rang and we both looked up at each other. I peeked at the clock and it was 12:30.

"I'll go check dad, find your two words." I lowered the heat on my food and made my way over to the door. When I opened I was surprised to see Harry, "You're really early."

He scratched the back of his head and laughed, "I was scared of being late." He shrugged and I chuckled, stepping back and opening the door.

He walked in slowly and I closed the door behind us, leaning my back against it as I did. He peeked around before leaning in and kissing me softly, then all over my face, causing me to giggle softly.

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