Chapter 14: Okay, Maybe

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My dad and I had spent most of our morning together. I grew really upset when I realized I had forgotten to buy him a magnet from Chicago and he said it was fine, that it was a sign I needed to
go back again.

Together we prepped all his new pills and I showed him how I had everything written down in my notes to ensure him I was always on the same page as him.

We ran through some exercises together to help with his OCD, and I felt relief when he did the best he had in a while. I had to remember to thank the neighbors, because I knew it was greatly because of them.

Later that night, I sat on the couch watching Jeopardy with my dad. He loved this show, because it was the only time he could truly focus. It's when he felt the most like my dad before the accident. He never stopped being so smart, and even with all the issues his brain carried, he never lost his wit and knowledge.

We would always keep points when watching Jeopardy and he would always beat me in a landslide.

"Who is Benjamin Franklin!" He quickly yelled out and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Dad, you didn't even give me a chance." I laughed.

He looked at me and winked, "You gotta be quick!"

"I guess I'm rusty today, but tomorrow, I'll be back onto it!" I teased him.

"Oh I don't think so." He smiled at me, "Sweetie why didn't you stay to explore Chicago more?"

I swallowed hard, and played around with my sweats, "Just missed you dad, that's all. I have to take advantage before we go over seas."

"Mmm, you sure?" He said softly.

"Yes dad."

"Okay. I like the British man by the way. He was very nice to me." He smiled softly and I swallowed as I smiled back.

"I'm glad dad. He's a good person. Good boss."

"You know I have his number? He added it in my phone for me, in case of an emergency."

"Oh...really?" I said tilting my head, raising an eyebrow.

"Mhm. So that's how I know, he needs you to pick him up from the airport tomorrow morning. At 7am. I wrote it down everywhere so I wouldn't forget." He smiled small, "He said you ran away and didn't say bye. Or something like that."

I couldn't help but chuckle and shake my head, "Is he really coming?" I said softly and my dad nodded.

"I think he has a crush on you. I don't think dating your boss is smart, but, I like him."

"So you think I should pick him up? Cause Bob's opinion is the only one I care about."

He chuckled and nodded, "Whatever he did to make you run, I think he's sorry for it. So yes."

"Okay. Well tell your new friend I'll be there."

"I like new friends." He smiled and I nodded.

"I know dad."

I looped around LAX, taking the long way around to get to his terminal. I felt so anxious inside, I couldn't even drink my coffee before I left the house.

As I was approaching his terminal I text him to let him know I was almost there, and make sure he was out.

H: Waiting right at the front.

I took a breath as I got closer, and when I spotted him, I couldn't help but return the smile he was giving me as he walked over to my car. I quickly unlocked everything. He threw his bags in the back seat and got in the front.

As I started towards the exit of the airport, I didn't know what to say or do. I kept facing forward, chewing on my lip.

I felt as he reached for the hand on my lap, linking his fingers in mine, "Christy. I'm sorry about Camille. I know that's why you left."

I pressed my lips together, not knowing how to turn and look at him, "It's fine. I get it."

"I don't think you do. Jeff set that up. He set it up knowing how much I hurt every time she comes around. She's not good for me. We aren't good for each other. I don't want anything romantic with her." He said, and I could hear the need in his voice for me to believe him.

"It didn't seem that way when you saw her. Didn't even realize I was there." I said softly, freeing my hand of his, and using it to drive.

"Christy, I'm so sorry about that. I realized everything that happened the moment Cami told me she had been waiting with you, and you weren't there anymore. I know what it looked like, but she's toxic for me. She is that last shot of alcohol I used to swear I needed, but it only made me sick. She's still in Chicago. I didn't stay, because I didn't want to mess up any chance of you letting us happen."

I took a deep breath swallowing hard as we hit a red light. I puffed my cheeks up slightly turning to look at him, breathing out, "I need this job, Harry."

"And you won't lose it. I promise." He said, his hand landing softly on my thigh, causing my skin to chill.

"Okay. Maybe." I said turning my attention back to the road.

We pulled up to Harry's house and he turned to look at me, "Come inside for a bit."

"I have to be home when my dad wakes up." I said.

"Just a little. Please, I have something I need to give you."

I stared in front taking a deep breath and placing my car in reverse so I could drive into his driveway, "Thirty minutes."

"I'll take it." He smiled and I waited for the gate to open before driving in and parking.

We walked into the familiar space, and I couldn't help but smile thinking about Hurricane Harry. He seemed to follow us everywhere we traveled on tour, his room always a cluster of clothes.

I walked over and sat on the couch as he sat on the floor opening up his bag. He pulled out a small brown paper bag and got up, walking over to sit next to me.

"Your dad said you were upset you didn't have a chance to get this for him." I looked at the bag then back up at him before taking it. I opened it up and smiled, inside was a magnet with the Chicago Skyline on it.

I bit my lip, looking up at him, "Thank you Har." I looked back down at it, and I took a deep breath as he placed his fingers softly on my chin, lifting my face towards his.

"I just need you to know, how much I like you. How I think you are so beautiful, so innocent, yet so sexy and mysterious to me. I can't get enough of you since the moment I bought you that flute of champagne."

I laughed slightly, "Stop."

"No, I won't. Not until you believe me."

"That's going to take a while." I said, bringing my gaze down.

"I have time." He said softly before leaning in and kissing me.

In my head, I had every intention of stopping him, and pushing him away. In my heart, this felt right. I wanted nothing more than this moment.

We broke the kiss and he rested his forehead on mine, "Can I see you later? I know you want to be with your dad. I can come over. I don't mind."

"I just have to ask him first. It's a change in his routine, so I need him to be okay with it," I said softly and he nodded.

"If not, come over after he's asleep? You know I don't mean like that."

"Okay. Maybe." I smiled small, and he traced my lip nodding.

"Okay." He smiled.

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