Chapter 16: Not In Any Rush

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AN: Smutty chapter ;)

We walked into his house and into the living room, I sat on his couch.

"Want some wine?" He asked softly and I nodded.

"Sure, a sweet white if you have some." I smiled.

"I do, I'll be right back."

He was back shortly with two glasses and the bottle. He served us each some and sat next to me, pulling my legs up and over onto his lap. I turned my body slightly to face him more.

"I'm happy you came, Harry." I said softly, running my finger along the rim of my glass.

"I am too. I'm also happy your dad seems to not hate me." He chuckled softly.

"No, he definitely likes you. He wouldn't have let you help him with the salad if he didn't." I smiled small.

"You take such good care of him love, but it must be a lot on just you."

I took a long sip of my wine and bit my lip, "It's my own doing. I told my brother never to come around. And he sends check, but I never cash them. So every time he sends one, the amount keeps getting bigger because he just adds on to whatever I didn't cash before. Just feels like he's flaunting how well off he is though." I said softly.

"Maybe he's just trying to hel—Harry please. Don't." I took a deep breath.

"I just don't want you to keep everything to yourself."

"I've done it my whole life." I said softly.

"It doesn't mean it's right, Christy." He reached and pushed my hair behind my ear.

I peeked up at him, "I heard my dad telling you about my mom. I just, can't forgive my brother for forgiving her. It's just how I feel. My dad wouldn't have had to work so hard if she had just stayed."

"But, don't you think you should let your brother see your dad?"

"Harry, I'm gone most of the year. His groceries don't just magically appear while I'm gone. Unless I order them. And it's rare that he asks me too. I know he calls him often. I'm not dumb. I just, you know, pretend it's not happening because I don't want to upset my dad further." I took another long sip of my wine.

Harry nodded, "Thank you for sharing that with me. I know it's hard for you."

I nodded, "Mhm."

He took my glass from me and placed both on the coffee table, leaning in and kissing me deeply. I instantly felt any stress melt away. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling myself up and straddling him. His lips messily moved down my jawline to my neck, and I couldn't help myself as I grinded softly against him.

He moved his lips back to mine, placing small kisses, before whispering, "Can we try something?"

I nodded and he placed his hands on the backs of my knees as he stood up and I wrapped my legs around him. He smiled at me softly and I leaned in and kissed his forehead as he walked us up the stairs to his bedroom, to which my surprise wasn't the first room I was in the last time.

He took me to the last room in the hall, and at a quick glance, it made so much more sense for this to be his room. We made it to the bed and he climbed on it, one knee after another, before leaning up and kissing me. I dropped my legs down and kneeled on the bed in front of him.

He broke the kiss and whispered softly, "I'm going to take your shirt off okay?"

I nodded and he removed it quickly, his lips instantly kissing down my neck and my chest. They found every bit of exposed skin and kissed it. His lips made their way back to mine and, he placed one hand on either side of my face, breaking the kiss, his eyes locking onto mine.

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