Chapter 1: Christina & Harry

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I moved through Heathrow Airport quickly, hoping to make it to my terminal with enough time to try and upgrade my seat to first class. After the week I had, I very much longed for a comfier seat for the long flight back to LA.

I had been in London working as a personal assistant for different up and coming UK artists, but I longed to go back home. After a series of Zoom interviews I had landed a job for an artist who was about to start their tour in the US leaving from LA this coming week.

All I had was a schedule of cities and months, but no specific dates until my NDA was signed at my first meeting.

I walked up to the flight assistant and took a deep breath, "Hi. I was wondering if I could possibly upgrade my seat to first class? If you have anything available."

"Can I see your boarding pass and passport please?" She smiled at me and I handed it to her, "Oh, it was your birthday yesterday! Happy birthday ma'am."

"Yeah. Thank you." I smiled.

"Hmmm, alright, I just happen to have one complimentary upgrade available to first class." She winked at me, "Happy birthday Miss Donaldson. Enjoy your flight home."

I smiled big and took my new boarding pass from her, "Thank you so much."

I lifted my bag into the overhead compartment and made my way into my seat. I usually hated having the seat on the aisle, but I was in first class, I basically had a bed. I wasn't going to complain. I settled in, happy I had changed into sweats and a sweatshirt before boarding and pulled out my kindle, loading up the book I had been working on finishing this week.

People kept boarding the first class area and I knew at some point I would have to get up. I read until I heard the voice above me, "Excuse me ma'am could I get through please."

"Of course." I said, only having to slightly move for him to make his way to the window seat.

"Thank you." He said and I glanced at him as he smiled at me, his dimples making a momentary appearance, a pink beanie pulled over his head. It took me a second to register who he was, and when I did, I bit my lip holding my composure.

Harry Styles.

"Welcome." I smiled soft.

"Busy day for first class today." He said quietly as he settled in. His green eyes were bright, but if you looked quick enough, they almost appeared blue.

"Oh, is it? It's my first time actually. Got upgraded for my birthday." I said pulling at my sleeves, feeling out of place.

"Oh, happy birthday! That sounds like an excellent birthday surprise." He smiled, pulling off his beanie, running his hands through his hairs

"Yeah, it was nice. I had a tough week, so just wanted to at least be comfortable on the way home." I shrugged.

"Well, I'm happy it happened. I wish you would of gotten a quieter experience, but hopefully no one gets too rowdy." He chuckled softly.

The flight attendants began their announcements and we smiled at each other settling back into our seats.

We had been on flight for an hour and a half when the attendants made their first rounds for drinks and snacks.

"Can I get either of you anything?" She smiled at us, I shook my head.

Harry sat up and looked at me then at the attendant, "Two champagnes please. It's this lovely lady's birthday."

I peeked over at him, "Oh, you really don't have too."

Harry and the AssistantWhere stories live. Discover now