Chapter 11: Fate

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I woke the next morning to his alarm going off. I stretched my body softly against his and he pulled me closer.

"Mmm, Harry, we have to get up." I said, opening my eyes.

"No, we can stay right here, like this." He peeked his eyes at me and I giggled softly.

"We have the meeting with Jeff." I said attempting to sit up but he held me tightly.

"Which is a phone meeting we can take, right here." He reached over and shut off his alarm, turning back and moving his body so he was hovering over me slightly. He searched my eyes before he leaned down and kissed me gently, and I couldn't help when I reached up my arm and pulled him deeper into the kiss. We stayed like this until he broke the kiss, kissing my nose and forehead softly, laying back down.

We laid facing each other quietly, two giant smiles on our faces. He reached over and ran his fingers through my hair causing my eyes to close and feel so relaxed. It was that safe feeling he always brought since the beginning. The natural flow of just being around him.

"I've longed for this moment you know?" He said softly and I opened my eyes to look at him.

"Such a liar Harry Styles." I said softly.

"I'm not. I swear it. The day after I came home from LA, I wished I could have done this. Just comforted you all night."

A small smiled played on my lips, and I reached up for his hand, pulling it toward my lips and kissing his fingers softly, "Well, we have a whole tour for that."

He smiled big, and used the hand I was holding to pull me closer to him. I settled into the crook of his neck and we stayed this way until Jeff called.

"Hi Jeff." Harry said putting phone on speaker.

"Morning, is Christy there too?"

"I am. I'm here."

"Okay perfect, I'll email all of this to you after but let's review! So I have to ask, is your current living situation alright or would you both like space?"

Harry looked at me and smiled, "No it's fine. We have a system and it helps both of us actually be on time."

"Okay. So in Chicago, you'll have a suite at the hotel. Christy there are two rooms so you will have your privacy."

As Jeff said this, Harry moved my face to his and mouthed, "We won't need that room" and I stifled a small laugh, as he leaned down and kissed me gently.

"Sounds perfect Jeff. Uh, any changes to time off, or the tour dates?" I said smiling at Harry.

"Not as of right now, but as a reminder if you need an extra day off at any point just let me know."

"Thank you."

We sat through the rest of the meeting half listening to everything Jeff was saying, half kissing quietly. We answered when he needed a response, and by the time we were done with the phone conversation, I didn't know how we would ever be able to leave this bed.

We arrived at MSG, I did a good job of keeping my distance from Harry. I helped set up his dressing room, fixing his outfit for the night and tried not to sit next to him when possible.

I sat on the stage as he did his laps and Jeff came and sat next to me.

"You know, you are the only assistant I've seen him be himself with. He really trusts you." He said quietly, almost as if in thought.

I bit my lip and turned to look at Jeff, "Like he said earlier, we have a system. It's helped create the trust."

"Mmm, mhm. Well I'm glad." He smiled at me patting my shoulder as he got up, "Want to watch the show again tonight?"

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