Chapter 107

113 4 2

May 2017

Marlie's POV

Life's been good to me since Rosie's birth, eighteen months ago. Tony and I have been able to take a step back from the dangers of the superhero lifestyle and just enjoy being parents. It's the first sense of normalcy I've felt sense I arrived in this time. I've loved every minute of it.

Rosie is a sweet happy baby, who is very well behaved. Tony always like to joke that she gets it from me. In fact, she shows more resemblance to me every day and like me she adores her father. She is a daddy's girl and Tony absolutely loves it. I love seeing Tony as a dad. He is so sweet with her. I could tell that at the beginning he seemed a little lost with her but now that she's getting bigger and has started walking and babbling, he is becoming more comfortable.

My life has been filled with Rosie, but I have also been able to keep busy with Stark Industries and mentoring Wanda. Thanks to us both having some form of mind powers, the two of us have been working together to increase and expand my visions, while growing in our abilities. Only Wanda, Tony, and Nat know that my powers are connected to infinity stones or about the empathic side to my abilities. Even though everyone knows about my visions and the hints of the future woven within them, no one fully understands them or places any merit in them. It's frustrating to me that no one seems to trust them. They may be hard to understand, but I know that they are reliable.

Ever since Wanda first hit me with her powers, I've slowly been piecing things together. But I still don't have a clear image. The only thing that is clear is that a crossroad is coming, and its outcome will determine the fate of our future. I just wish I knew what this crossroad was going to be.

To help remember and decipher my visions, I've been keeping an encrypted journal of all my visions and only sharing minuscule details of them with Wanda and Tony. I used to share most of the details of my visions with them, but I've come to realize that that isn't in everyone's best interest. I have learned that sharing details with people will guarantee a different outcome, which is often worse than the one I saw. I found that it is better to just subtly make changes in the shadows with no one being the wiser. Thankfully, Tony and Wanda understand my secrecy. Though, I had to promise Tony that I wouldn't go and get myself killed because of what I saw in a vision. It's a promise I intend to keep.

A vision is how I have found myself sitting outside on the front porch of the lake house this gorgeous spring morning. With my journal laid open on my lap as I watched the sun rise. Last night's vision has become a reoccurring event over the past few months. Each night a new detail is added. It's frustrating because the only thing that makes sense about it is that it is sending some type of warning. A warning that something is going to break, and I believe it could be the team.

It always begins with the whole team together enjoying the time together when a dark cloud comes over. Suddenly, people start walking to opposite sides of the room until we're split evenly with me standing in the middle. As soon as everyone is placed on either end the room, it cracks in half, and I fall into the crater. I fall into the darkness for what seems like forever until I land hard in front of two roads. Down each road is the same threat, but with different outcomes. No matter the path I take, I'm always met with a gate and in front of each of the gates is a version of the team. Down the better path is the team standing together, united, and triumphant. The other path however contains more struggles. The team is divided and there appears to be a sense of loss and dread among them. The worst part is that there are always different people missing amongst the team.

Whenever I have this vision, I can't help but feel overwhelmed. I always wake up in cold sweats and am unable to fall back to sleep. In order to not wake up Tony, I always come and sit outside on the porch to write everything down my current journal.

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