Chapter 73

166 3 7

May 2014

Marlie's POV

The past year and a half have been amazing. Tony and I have been living in a nice house in Upstate New York. We've been able to enjoy the early moments of our relationship, without much need for heroing. The first couple of weeks of our relationship were a bit awkward as we both adjusted and learned what this relationship change meant for use. We eventually realized that it looks similar to how it was before, just with added benefits and a clearer understanding of each other. I have never been happier. Sure, we've had our fights, but we eventually work through them. Even if it takes a while. We love each other and will eventually talk it through.

Everyone has always said that Tony and I are perfect for each other, and I never truly understood what they meant until we got together. Mine and Tony's personalities seem to fit perfectly with each other. Tony helps me to relax and have fun, while I debunk some of his crazier ideas and self-destructive tendencies. It's like in the lab. Each of us have our strengths and we work together to build something great. Being in a relationship has taken on that same process and just moved it into our everyday lives. I have never been one to like the simple life but with him it seems right.

We've also managed to keep pretty busy. I've helped Tony finish the new Avengers tower and we each have started looking into ways to improve our friend's equipment by making it safer and more efficient. I have also started running the science and technology division of Stark Industries again, since Pepper has had the babies.

In July of last year Pepper gave birth to twins a boy and a girl. Owen and Bailey and has had her hands full with them both. Pepper and Blake eventually moved their little family out to New York so they could be closer to us, and I have loved helping Pepper with them. Tony and I were even named godparents to them, and we couldn't be more honored. I love watching Tony with them. He is so sweet with them. Making sure they are laughing and having fun. It's so strange. I've never pictured myself as a mom or having a family, but with Tony, I'd be open to the idea one day. He would be a good dad and I would do my best to be a good mom.

On top of everything else, I've also been working with Tony on his different foundations and technology. Ever since superheroes have become a reality, there has been a rise in mass scale destructive events and it is important to not just save the people, but also help them get back on their feet. This is why I have been developing, alongside Tony, different foundations to help these families. As for my powers, I have been able to gain a better sense of control over them. I no longer have random surges of power when I get emotional. Even though I have more control over them, I prefer not to use them. I like the simple life that I have with Tony and these powers just make me feel like I could lose it all in a snap. Because of this I prefer not to use them. If I'm ever needed as Infinity, I'll go out in my suit and my powers are only used as a worst-case scenario. I also haven't told anyone about my powers yet. Obviously, Steve knows because of New York, but we haven't told anyone since then and even Steve doesn't know the full extent of them and I'd like to keep it that way. The only thing that I can't seem to get away from are my dreams. They're less often but just as confusing. It's like strange flashes that are all out of order and make no sense. I've explained them to Tony, but he is just as confused.

Since moving to New York, we have been living closer to some of the other Avengers and Tony and I both have been developing closer bonds with each of them. Bruce got a place outside of the city and comes by often to work with Tony. Tony even had a section of his lab made specifically for Bruce and is working on designing Bruce's own lab in the tower. I'm glad Tony has been able to find another close friend in his life and honestly, I love their bromance. Steve has also been around a lot more. Even though him and Tony don't always get along, they have been able to form a friendship, that no one seems to know how it works, but it does. I've also been able to be better friends with Steve. We aren't the closest of friends, but I would trust him with my life, and it has been nice to have someone around to remember the old days with.

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