Chapter 13

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January 1945

Eddie's POV

These past few years have been some of the best in my life, well minus the war. I have never been so free. Since the Captain, yes, I have switched from calling him the soldier to the Captain. Anyway, since the Captain and his Howling Commando's started fighting Hydra, Howie and I have kept busy trying to understand the different Hydra weapons and technology. I am mostly interested in their energy source. It is fascinating and I am ready for the Captain to bring me some actual written information about it from Hydra, but whatever it is, I need to learn more about it.

I have also interacted with the Howling Commando's quite a bit. They are a bunch of good men, though a bit crude at times. They treat me well. It is quite fun to talk science around them because they just give me the funniest, confused looks and then give a complement about my brain. A part of the team is Bucky, who is the Captain's best friend. He is nice but was a bit of a flirt at the beginning. I quickly put him in his place though. He took it like a champ.

Also, Steve and Peggy are still not together, to my confusion and frustration. I can tell that Peggy still likes him and he her, but he will not man up and tell her. Honestly though, he either needs to act on his feelings or shut them down because its cruel and unfair to Peggy to keep dragging it out. I have actually grown to like the Captain, but I will never admit it. I still believe he is too self-righteous and a bit selfish at times, but overall, a good man.

The Captain and his team just had an important win, but it came at a steep cost. They just captured Hydra's lead scientist, Dr. Zola, but in the process, Bucky was thrown off the train and fell to his death. The Colonel is talking with Dr. Zola right now to try and learn Hydra's plans and find the final secret Hydra base, while the rest of the team mourns. Howie and I do not have that luxury though. Along with Dr. Zola we finally got some of his research on something called the tesseract. It is mine and Howie's jobs to try and decipher the research, which is not easy. Dr. Zola has coded his notes and it is taking forever to crack it, but we are getting there. Honestly, though it has given me an idea on creating my own code, maybe I could use Latin, I am basically fluent in the language now.

"Edwards. Stark. We are needed in the command room. The Colonel has just finished his interrogation of Zola." I look up at Dum Dum Dugan, one of the commandos, who had just entered the room. I get up and follow him and Howie out of the room. We all sit around the table. I sit between Howie and Peggy and wait for the Colonel to start the briefing.

"Johann Schmidt belongs in the bughouse. He thinks he is a god, and he is going to blow up half the world to prove it. He then points to the large map... "Starting with the United States."

"That is insane." I look over at Dum Dum, who looks both shocked and horrified at the prospect.

It is Peggy who speaks next. "So is Hitler, but he's gotten pretty far with less than Schmidt has." I just nod along and continue to listen.

"But Hydra would need millions of men and fleets of transport. They've had to be fed fueled-"

I look over at Howie and we have a silent conversation because we both know that Schmidt does not need men to do this. He has the technology that we have been studying. I interrupt Falsworth to share what Howie and I already know, "Schmist's working with powers beyond our capabilities. If he gets across the Atlantic, he'll wipe out the entire eastern seaboard in an hour." Everyone pauses to let my words sink in and Howie just nods in confirmation of my words.

"Every able-bodied man we have is either here or in the Pacific. Our boarders are wide open." I looked at the Captain as he spoke. He looked tired but determined. I knew he was grieving, and I admired him for the fact that he was setting that aside to get this done.

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