Chapter Fourteen

Comincia dall'inizio

I didn't bother to say goodbye to them today, I just wanted to stop talking about quirks.

I was quiet on the way to Eraserhead's house and I think he noticed.

He stopped the car in the driveway and looked at me. "What's wrong?" I shrugged. "It's nothing. I'm just being dramatic."

I got out of the car and headed to the door. Eraserhead came and opened it, I was about to head to the bathroom before he captured me with his scarf.

Why the hell is it so strong? "No, no more hiding in the bathroom. If you want to be an adult you can't hide when you feel upset." Why not it works?

I stopped struggling. "Why does not having a quirk have to be such a big deal?" After I said that he let me go.

He didn't say anything but instead came over and patted me on my head like a child. "My students are dumb, try not to pay too much attention to them." That's not what I want to hear.

"It's not just them it's everyone!" I turned around and looked at him. "All day I just get stares of pity and confusion and fear. I hate it, why can't they just let me be?"

Shit, I'm crying again.

"I'm sorry but that's reality." I just stared at him, unable to say anything.

Eraserhead did something that I never expected him to do, he brought me into a hug.

"You're always gonna get stares from everyone. And I know it's unfair, life gave you a major setback that no one else can understand. But you have to push through that, if you want to be a better person than before then you have to push yourself to believe in the mindset that you are. Once you do, everything else will follow."

I don't know what this feeling is, but it's nice. I let him hug me and let the rest of the tears fall from my eyes.

The next day at school I didn't want to talk to anyone.

I kept my book up and just did my work. I could tell everyone wanted to come up and talk to me but they left me alone anyway. Maybe I was just being dramatic but one day without everything hitting me like a bus was nice.

When lunch came around I didn't want to go to the cafeteria, I wanted to be by myself just a little longer.

I went into the hallway and sat down on the floor. I started writing down my feelings in my notebook. It was nice and quiet so I could get my thoughts in order.

"What are you doing on the floor?" I looked over and saw Bakugo standing there with a tray in his hands. "Just sitting."

He rolled his eyes and came over to me. He carefully sat next to me and began eating. I just looked at him confused as he ate. "What are you looking at?" He asked as he scooped some rice into his mouth.

"You obviously. Why are you sitting here?" He chewed quickly to answer me. "I can sit wherever the hell I want to."

Jeez, asshole.

I scoffed at him and went back to writing. "What are you doing?" I didn't look up from my notebook when I answered. "It's something I have to turn into Eraserhead."

"No, with those extras. Why are you ignoring them?" I stopped writing and squinted my eyes at him. "Why do you care?"

"Because those idiots keep acting sad and shit. It's annoying as fuck." Wow, I can hear the caring words.

I sighed and set my notebook aside. "I don't have a quirk and they were just being stupid about it." It was quiet until he snorted. "Of course they said some dumb shit."

He moved his tray out of his lap and onto the floor next to him. He wiped his mouth before speaking. "Look you can't take what they say personally, those idiots all share a damn brain cell. You're lucky they didn't say something worse."

That didn't make me feel any better. I shook my head at him. "Then why do you hang out with them?"

I didn't expect him to answer it the way that he did. "Only shitheads who tolerate me."

I know that seems sad but I thought that was sweet. At least he has friends who want to hang him around. I smiled at him lightly. "If it makes you feel any better I think you're pretty cool."

His eyes changed slightly before they were closed off, distant. Now they're soft, welcoming.

He scoffed. "Like I want your fucking opinion." That made me laugh, and I could see the corner of his lip curve just a bit, into a smile.

He may seem mean all around but I think he can be chill when comfortable enough.

Just then the bell rang and I got up from the floor. I looked down at Bakugo and held out my hand for him.

He squinted his eyes at me, I could tell he was one of those people who didn't like accepting help from others, even if it's as simple as helping him up from the floor.

"Take my damn hand, it's not gonna kill you." He took my hand and I helped him. I smiled as he got on his feet. "See, still alive."

"Shut the hell up, you talk too damn much." I just laughed at him.

When that final bell of the day rang I got up and collected my things. In two seconds I was out the door and made my way to Recovery girl's office.

Before I could walk anymore a voice called out for me. "L/n!" I stopped and turned around. Mina and the guys were there, just standing.

"Yeah?" It felt weird to talk again but it's whatever. She gave me a sad face and it looked like she was thinking of the right thing to say. "We didn't mean to make you feel bad about not having a quirk. We just-"

I cut her off. "Why do you talk to me?" It's something I have wondered about. She gave me a confused look. "What do you mean?"

I shifted my books so they would stay on my hands more comfortably. "Do you talk to me because you feel bad for me or because you pity me?"

I sounded mean but I just wanted to know. "No, we just-" She paused and thought of her next words carefully. "I mean we do feel bad but like come on, we're human whenever we hear about anyone going through something terrible we're gonna feel bad but that's not why we want to be your friend."

They want to be my friend? "Yeah man- I mean L/n, we just want to hang out and stuff 'cause we think you're cool."

"You don't know anything about me so-" Sero cut me off. "That's why we want to be friends, so we can get to know you." I messed with my nail as I thought about it.

"L/n I just want to do fun and stupid stuff, not all this sad stuff." Kaminari made this sad dog face, it was funny.

I looked over at Bakugo who hadn't said anything the whole time, I guess he's exempt from this cause whatever he says sounds kinda mean.

I scratched my head, they really are idiots. "You guys are kinda difficult you know that?"

They took that as a good sign and ran up to hug me. "L/n we promise we won't be stupid anymore!"

Kaminari nodded. "Yeah, we'll only be stupid when we want to do stupid stuff!" I laughed.

"Alright, I get it. You're stupid." They pulled away and smiled. "Only for you babe!" Babe? Oh well, I won't say anything about it today.

"Right, anyway I gotta go but I'll see you tomorrow." They waved and I waved bye to them.

Does this mean I have friends now? It feels weird but in a good way.

1837 Words

How was it?

I edited the hell out of this chapter and I think I got it to where I tolerate it :)

Second Chance - K. BakugoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora