| Waiting For Them |

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Will hadn't slept that night. He was way too excited. In the morning he would meet his boyfriend again after a whole year. And it was his birthday. He had been pacing his room mindlessly thinking about him. He knew he had to get up in a few hours but excitement was killing him.

~-Will's p.o.v-~
My steps were quickening. My thoughts swarming me. My eyes almost blurred as I walked back and forth. Some thoughts were bad. Some thoughts were good. And some thoughts were just totally a dream. I wanted to see him now.

I felt a hand grab my shoulder. And then my other one, holding me still. It was Jonathan. And El was standing behind him. She was laughing a little.
"Will, please, calm down, you need at least some rest!" Jonathan said.
"Also, I would like some rest. With you running around I've been unable to sleep and I thought it was Jonathan!" El said, still laughing a bit at me.

I was still not a bit less excited. There was a huge grin plastered on my face as I sat down with my brother still holding me. El sat down on my desk chair. Going through some of the things on my desk. It was mostly art stuff. I had even painted a painting for Mike! God, he's so adorable I just wanna kiss him!

"Will, oh my god, please! Tell us what's on your mind so you can get it off"
I looked up at Jonathan. And my mouth started moving. I think Jonathan regretted his words right as he realized I was not gonna stop babbling. El left the room, laughing at Jonathan this time.

"And his name! It's like... it's just! Ahhhh! *le gasp* oh my god, what if we got married a-and I took his last name? William Wheeler? Or Michael Byers! Aaahhhh!!"
"Yup, your laying down"

~-No-ones p.o.v-~

Will ended up waking up being shaken by his step-sister. He had somehow fallen asleep. His brother was asleep next to him. He didn't know how long he was rambling for but Jonathan had fallen asleep to it. And Will wasn't any less excited now that it was morning.

They made it to the airport. Will was still babbling about Mike to the point where El had to put a hand over his mouth to shut him up. El was honestly the same excited but could handle it. She knew Max would also come but probably in a grumpy mood due tomorrow being with Mike on a 4 hour flight.

As they got to the airport Els's excitement started showing. And Jonathan was just trying to rest in his chair as both El and Will were jumping out of their seats. One of the airport staff members even asked Jonathan if they were drugged.

They heard the right flight get called out as El and Will were frantically looking through the crowd of people walking by. And El quickly spotted Max. And With Max came Mike.

El ran up to hug her. Max also hugged her back tightly. Max planted a small kiss into Els cheek as Will ran past them and into Mike's arms. Mike was equally as excited. He hugged Will as tight as he could. Almost crying at just the sight of him. They both looked at each other as the crowd of people started to thin out. Mike kissed Will ever so softly on his lips as Jonathan woke up from the chair. Smiling after seeing both his siblings smiling happily to their partner.

I have nothing to say
Word count: 608

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