| A Call |

754 8 4

Mike was sitting in his bedroom, trying to write a letter. And it was going horribly. He had written a letter to El on,y minutes earlier, but that one was easy. It was just the usual. How the past days had been, something about how he liked her, and ending it with a simple 'From Mike'. Because in reality, Mike didn't love El. That's why his new letter was hard to write. It was too Will.

After about an hour of constant scribbling and erasing, the paper looked like a mess, and Mike threw himself on the bed. He knew he should go and help around the house but his parents weren't home. He would do it another day. Mike was tired. Not just of life but having to pretend all the time.

His eyes glowed up as if a light bulb went off in his head as he ran downstairs and into the basement. He didn't want his sister to hear the worst sentence he could ever say. As he dialed in a familiar number he picked up the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" It was Will who answered, thank god.
"Hi Will!"
"Oh, hey, I'll get El-"
"No, no, no, no, I called to talk to you..."
"R-Really? Oh!" There was a new excitement in Will's voice.

As Mike gathered up his courage. His head was twisting and turning with possible things to say, or even do. A different part was almost shouting for him to hang up. And another, smaller part, was jumping up and down in happiness. He always thought his mind was weird. That's why he had been an outcast I guess.

"Did you die?" Will chuckled awkwardly through the phone.
"Oh! Ehm- Will... I LIKE YOU!" Mike screamed as he threw the phone on the stand again.

He felt his knees get heavy as he landed on the floor. His thoughts were like a bee hive. Swarming around with different commands.
Just then... the phone rang. He hesitantly stood up. His hand looming over the phone, finally picking up.

"This is a joke right?" Will's voice sounded weird.
Mike shook his head, forgetting that Will was all the way over in California.
"N-... No..." Mike answered, wanting to throw the phone out the window.
"Oh my god..." he heard Will mumble.
Mike was ready to give up and cry.

The phone hung up as Will had done the same as Mike had only moments earlier. Will slowly glided down the wall of the hallway he was in, his hands covering his face as his blush became noticeable. And Mike cried. He cried happy tears, hoping El would take it okay.

SUP! I haven't posted in some time
Feels nice to do it again
Now go to sleep
Word count: 475

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