!() Rink-O-Mania p2()!

793 16 2

Yoo, read p1 first, just a suggestion
Art cred: noodles_and_tea ( I mean what are you thinking at this point )

They made it to the house.it was small. Only one story. Though it was leveled. The floors going up and down with stairs in a lot of places. It didn't feel like only one story.

Will showed him around. His room, his sister's room, the bathroom, and just in general. Every little nook and cranny.

They ended up going to his room. There was a big painting stand in the middle of the room.
"Oh! You like painting, that's cool!"
Will looked up at Mike with a good expression.
"People used to make fun of me for it in school, haha" the boy gave a dull laugh.

They sat down beside each other on the boys bed. Mike inspected the room. Wanting to take in every detail of it, from the painted walls to the carpet floor.

He looked back at the smaller boy who was already staring at him. They both started blushing. The only light source being the moon in the clear sky. They could both feel themselves getting closer, and closer. Their breathes blowing against each other.
Until, Mike couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed the smaller boy's face and kissed him. His head ran a million thoughts at once. The smaller boy gratefully kissed him back and it turned into a long, passionate kiss. Neither of them wanted to break apart. They ended up on top of each other by the end of their kiss. Mike breathing heavily over the boy. Will smiled as he grabbed his neck and hurled him down into another kiss.
It was another long one. Both gasping for air by the end of it. Mike wanted this boy. He needed this boy. And Will couldn't disagree. He liked the boy on top of him more than any other. They kept kissing. Will moaned slightly as the taller boy bit down on his lower lip. Creating an entrance. Exploring the smaller boy's mouth. Wanting it to never end. Mike's hands by the face of Will's. And Will's holding Mike's hips.

They could hear scrambling coming from the hallway but neither of them cared. They were too caught up in the moment. Until a knock was heard at their door.
"Hey Will! I'm back from Max's, just wanted to tell you!"
The room was silent.
"Good, you're alive!"

They heard footsteps leave the hallway. Walking to the room next door. Jane was home. Wills sister. But Will quickly grabbed the boy's jaw. Kissing him again. Their make out session turned sloppy as Mike's lips traveled down to Will's neck. He kissed around Wills Adam's apple. Until Will made an exceptionally loud noise. Causing Mike to jump back.

"Holy shit- I'm sor-!" Mike almost shouted but Will smashed his lips onto Mikes. Shutting him up.
"It's okay... I'm okay... I-I like you..." Will said, awkwardly.
"I like you too..." Mike answered. Looking down at the boy before laughing.

"S-Sorry, we were like making out and I'm like sitting on top of you and we're only just now saying how we feel" Mike laughed.

Will giggled. Also realising how stupid they were. Mike's face blowing up in a soft red hue at the cute giggles from the boy. He had only just met him and he already loved him. He wanted to grow old with him. Get a house with him. Be able to kiss him forever.
They kissed way more times that night. Cuddling up next to each other. Mikes head on the pillows and Wills head on Mikes chest. Their breathing slowed as they fell asleep in each other's arms.

"Will...Will? Will!" The door burst open, waking Mike up. A girl was standing in the doorway.
"Who are you?!" She shouted, causing Will to wake up to the awkward situation.
Mike just stared at the girl, still very much asleep.
"Wait- Will, did you get a boyfriend!" Will was already awake and blushing.
"Maybe... don't tell Mom!"
"I won't! But come on breakfast time, Jonathan is actually not funny this morning"

Go if only she knew. We're Will's thoughts before El left the room. The door shutting , waking Mike up fully now.
"Did you call me your boyfriend?" Mike question.
"O-Oh! I-I'm sorry if it was t-"
"No! I love it... *mwah!*" he exaggerated the sound while kissing Will's forehead.
"Alright alright, let's go eat breakfast... might have to explain to Jonathan who you are"

They got out into the kitchen and before they knew it the front door knocked again. Jonathan just got to know Mike before Will opened the door to reveal a very stressed out Robin.
"Firstly, is he here? Secondly, you look adorable with bed hair" Robin said.
Will looked out. There were the rest of Mike's gang. Right- they forgot to tell them Mike was going with him.
"Uhmm, yeah and no to your compliment"
"Jesus, thank god" Robin pushed herself through before stopping and walking back. Staring at Will's neck. And she nodded.

"Michael Wheeler! Your parents were very worried!" Robin stepped up to Mike who was sitting at the table.
She hugged him and whispered into his ear.
"You two are adorable, you need to tell me all about it"

Obviously Robin had seen a hickey. One that had somehow formed from the few times Mike had kissed Will's neck. She grabbed the boy dragging him out into the hallway. Mike waving bye to Will. And Will's smile was unbeatable.

There's something I love about this story, I headcannon that Will is a really good skater soooo
Word count: 953

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