+| Nightly terrors |+

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Art cred: noodles_and_tea
TW: mention of death

Will had awoken suddenly. His breathing caught up and his heart beating out of his chest and up into his throat. He had seen all the things he saw all those years ago. In that dark and terribly slimy place he had been trapped in. He stared out the window. The sun had barely started going up but it was still there. On its way.
There was a knock at his door and in came his Mom.
"Sweetheart, are you okay?"
Will launched out of bed and into his mothers arms. He was crying. Sobbing into her arms. Joyce could only hug him in an attempt to comfort her boy. She knew about everything. How he would feel. How he would see everyone die. She planted a kiss to her sons sweaty forehead.
"Baby, you haven't had these terrors in a while?"
"I-I-I.... I-I" he tried to say something. But his words were blocked by his sobs.

Joyce knew Jonathan used to be his best comfort. But now he was at college. And maybe that was why Will couldn't sleep.
"Did he die?" Joyce asked, knowing he would do that often in his dreams.
Will only nodded in response.
"Was there anyone else there?"
Maybe if there was, there would be a person that could comfort Will. Tell him that they were alive. And that they were there.
"Do you want us to call Mike over?" Joyce said.

Joyce let her son get some more rest while she waited for morning. Her eyes were heavy but she needed her son to be able to sleep. She made it to 6am before calling the Wheeler household. The phone rang. One...Two...Three...Four...
"Hello?" A raspy voice answered. It didn't sound like mrs. Wheeler.
"Hey, this is Joyce, who is this?"
"Mike? Why you calling at this hour Mrs. Byers"
"Will's having trouble sleeping... night terrors... Jonathan used to be the one to be able to comfort him but-"
"He's in college, isn't he?"
"Yeah, and I was wondering if you could come over... you keep dying in his dreams and it breaks him"
"I'll be over in a minute"

Mike put the phone back on the stand. Neither of his parents were awake but he wrote a quick note and went upstairs to get dressed. He had helped Will a few times before with his night terrors. He would always get to snuggle up next to Will to keep him calm. And Mike had cherished those moments. Playing them back in his head whenever he could. But Will had slept well for a few years. But now. He seemed worse than ever. Mike got out of the house. Leaving the note on the kitchen table. He grabbed his bike and rode over to the Byers resident. The sun stinging in his eyes when it poked through the tall pine trees.

He dropped his bike and went up to the door. His hand was halfway up to the door when he heard a loud scream from inside. He didn't bother to knock and just pushed the door open. Joyce was sitting on the couch, shaking. And Mike heard another scream coming from the hallway. He was shocked. He had never heard Will scream like that. He dropped the bag he had and left to the short hallway. Opening the door to the room he knew was Wills.

Will was snuggled up to a pillow. Still asleep. But he was moving rapidly. His shirt and forehead were sweaty and breathing quicker than he had ever in Mike's presence. Mike walked over and sat on the side of the bed. He shaked Will awake. Saying his name over and over again. Until his eyes were wide open and staring into Mikes.
Will jumped up and into Mike's arms. Sobbing on his shoulder. Mike's hands running up and down Will's back. Stroking it gently.
"It's okay... you're okay" Mike calmed Will.
"I-I th-thought y-you were d-dead..."
"I'm not... I'm here... and I'm here to stay..."

Will's breathing slowed at Mike's soft hands. They sat together, just hugging. Mikes face a flushed pink hue from the close contact with the shorter boy. He wanted to kiss the boy. But it didn't feel right. Not at this moment. Will broke the hug after what felt like hours in each other's arms. And Mike felt empty at the split up.
"I-I love you..." Mike said. Not thinking about what he was saying. And not caring.
Will stared at him wide eyed. His thoughts cleared from the sudden words of his crush. He didn't think it was real. Mike didn't love him like that. But Will took the opportunity to say how he felt without it being weird.
"I love you too" he was surprised at the steadiness of his own voice.
"I meant... it" Mike said. Now feeling the need to tell Will.
"I meant it... too"

Bothe the boys stared at each other. Their eyes wide and mouths slightly open. They were still face to face and Mike's hand had managed to creep up and grab Will's.
Their faces were an inch apart before Mike broke the tension between them. He leaned forward. Connecting their lips. His stomach sent fireworks up into his throat when Will kissed him back. It seemed like a dream come true for the both of them. Their hands interlocked. And their mouths moving in sync with the other's. Wills head at ease.

They broke apart for a split second to breathe. But it lasted only two seconds, before their lips were on each other again. They enjoyed each other's touch. Mike climbed over Will and Will laying down with his arms around the longer boy's neck. They kissed longer. And when they pulled apart Mike collapsed next to Will. His hand landed around the shorter boy and hugging him tightly against his chest. Them both drift off to sleep.
"I love you..." said the brunette.
"I love you more..." the raven haired boy answered.
Joyce stepped in for a second before getting Jonathan's old camera and snapping a picture of the two boys. Herself going to her bed and crashing into dreamland afterwards.

This was longer than expected
Word count: 1061

Byler oneshots :POnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora