| Lab Rats |

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Twelve walked around in the empty halls of his home. He didn't understand. Why hadn't Eleven come back yet? She promised him. She had told him she would come back after only a day. But now. It was just him. Only him in the empty building.

Mike was different from Twelve. Mike didn't even know Twelve. But he was a normal kid. A kid who had no idea about the lab. Until today.

"Yo, I'm bored. You guys wanna do something? Over" Mike spoke into his walkie talkie.
"-Yeah man, sure. But what? Over-" his friend. Dustin spoke.
"-I'm with Max and El, can't. Over-" Lucas said as giggles were heard from behind him.
"Well, we could go to that abandoned building in the woods! Over" Mike spoke.
"- Alright! Will be yours in a minute. Over and out-" Dustin laughed.

Mike was excited. His parents had forbidden him from going anywhere near it. But now his parents were off on a trip with his little sister. And he could do as he pleased. He got a bag ready with some stuff. His walkie talkie. A flashlight. And some snacks. A knock filled the basement as he opened the door to Dustin.

"Hey! You ready to go?"

They both laughed as they stepped out and walked around the forest in the backyard of the Wheeler's house. It was quite big and could lead you to many places. But the kids knew where the building they were looking for was located. It was big and had these huge gates around it. The gates had an opening in them. An opening where Dustin and Mike walked in.

They made it to the door of the old building. It also had a hole in it.
"Jesus, someone had anger issues in this building"
"It's kinda eerie," Dustin added.

They both took out a flashlight each. Deciding not to split up. The building was huge. And weird. It was like someone had just left it there to rot. There were wires hanging from the ceiling and blood stained floor.
"What happened in this building that we don't know about?" Mike said, shining the light at more blood.
"I-I don't know man, maybe we should go-"

There was a loud creek. The two boys fixated the light from where the sound came from and we're met with a boy. A boy, about their age, staring at them as they stared back.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Dustin shouted.
"Like the number?" Mike questioned.

A large amount of footsteps could be heard from the other way as they turned their flashlight towards where they had come from.
Lucas sprinted around the corner and stopped when he saw them. Max and El turning the corner after him.

"Lucas?!" Dustin shouted, but Mike didn't care about them. He cared about the mysterious boy in front of them.
"You... promised..." the boy said blankly as Mike stared at him in confusion.
"Twelve I-I can-"
Everyone was now staring at El instead. She knew him? El started walking closer to him. Her hands spread out towards him to touch him. But suddenly he was gone.
"No! No,no,no!" El mumbled.
"You guys saw him right?" Mike asked frantically.
"Y-yeah..." everyone answered, shakily.
"Everyone split up, we need to find him!" El shouted.
"Who is he?" Max asked.
"M-My brother... Now help me find him!" El shouted as she ran in a random direction. Everyone followed her, but not Mike. Mike started walking down a hallway alone. His ears caught the attention of some sniffling.

He stepped into a room and there he was, sat in a corner, crying. He slowly walked up to him. His hair was short.  Almost like it was buzzed but a little longer. He landed his hand on the boy's shoulder as Twelve sharply turned his head.

"H-Hey! I'm not here to hurt you! Okay?"
The boy just looked at him. He didn't seem to trust Mike. And he didn't. Mike watched the world fade around him and rebuild into small building blocks. And then again. And again. It was dizzying.

"Stop! Okay I'm not here to hurt you!" Mike shouted as he grabbed both the boys shoulders. He then realized he stopped in a hallway. The boy could teleport him around? But how?

"How can you do this?"
"Papa..." the boy answered.
Just then El came rushing around the corner again as Twelves eyes looked at her.
"Twelve please, will you listen to me!" El pleaded.
Mike backed away from the boy a bit but still had a firm grip around one of his shoulders.
"You promised you would comeback y-you! Eleven you promised!"
"You aren't from here! You were never from here Twelve! Papa is bad! You need to trust me again... please come with me?"
"I'm so confused?" Mike said.
"Mike, respectfully shut up and call the others"
"But how can he teleport? And who is papa and what did he do?"
"Papa made us lab rats, he made us to his experiments and I managed to escape but Hopper kept me hidden away for a year which meant I couldn't get back to Twelve... and I found his family in old news articles" El said as she hugged her little brother.

Mike stood in shock at the words as he slowly took out his walkie talkie and called the others. They all met up outside of the building as they walked back to the Wheeler's house.

Max and Dustin built a weird pillow fort for Twelve as Mike was talking to him. He found himself fascinated by his powers and him. He thought he was cool. El was using the basement phone as Lucas was sitting with Mike hella confused over the topic.

Mike found himself fascinated by the strange kid. He knew El had been different. She didn't understand much in school but she had only joked that she was slow. But now we knew what she could do, what both of them could do.

Suddenly Mike watched as Will disappeared in the blink of an eye. And watched as he came back only moments later holding two teddy bears. One had a big number eleven on it and the other number twelve. It was cute and El smiled as she saw it.

"Yes um it's on the street xxxx" El said as she put the phone back on its stand.
"Wait, who were you talking to?" Lucas asks.
"The Byers family"
"Wait, so my sister's boyfriend's family?" Mike said.
"Well, yes. It's William's family" El continued.
"William?" Mike looked even more confused.
"The Byers family's missing son that happened to be... him" El pointed at Will.

After only about 10 minutes the door knocks violently. El goes to open it as a woman's voice can be heard. Nancy also hears the knocking and decides to go down stairs to check it out. To her surprise her boyfriend is standing there talking to one of Mike's friends. With his mother on the verge of tears.

"What is going on?"
"We'll explain later, now come" El says as she leads all of them down into the basement.
"A-Are you sure it's him?" Jonathan asks as they all stare at Twelve.
Joyce only steps up to him and checks his arm. And there it is. A birthmark she knew her son had.
"W-Will?" She exclaims.

Her son who was taken from her for so many years was now found. Found by all the kids. And the terrifying story that followed was only a tale to be told.

This story's kinda weak, might re write it
Word count: 1288

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