-+| Party |+-

963 19 2

I love this idea, it's long though. They are living a normal life in this
Art cred: noodles_and_tea
TW: mention of alcohol

Mike had opened the door to be met with the smell of swear and alcohol. Loud music was banging in his ears. He hated this party already. He barely went to parties. But his friends had forced him to come along. So he had. He squished through the crowd of people. Him being taller than most of them. He looked around for his friends and found them in a room on the second floor. All of the, holding those red solo cups with some drink in it. Everyone except El and Lucas that was.

"Oh my god, Mike finally!" Lucas said.
"Sorry man I couldn't find you through the crowd"
"It's been an hour since you were supposed to be here, and besides the point, we need help"
"With what exactly?"

Lucas' mouth turned into a line as he pointed at Max,Will and Dustin who were all lying in the same chair, half asleep.

"They're drunk, like really drunk and we are taking at least one home with us because they can't go home like this"
"So we are leaving?" Mike said, trying to hide how happy he was because of that.
"Yes, El's taking Max, I'm taking Dustin, and your taking Will, let's go"

Lucas was obviously in charge right now. He grabbed Dustin who had managed to fall asleep and picked him up. Holding him up so he didn't fall over. El took Max and almost hugged her when Max fell into her arms. Will had sat first in the chair. The rest sitting on top of him. He grabbed Will and put an arm over his shoulder, holding his waist.

"N-No..." Will said quietly.
"Will we're going to my place you'll be fine" Mike tried to comfort him.
"God, you need sleep..."

Will's eyes were heavy. He could barely keep them open. He didn't know who had picked him up. He had heard Lucas say something but now someone was holding him. He strained his eyes to focus on the person's face. It looked a lot like Mike. It was Mike. Will felt a burst of energy hit him. Hi cheeks flushing pink.

"M-Mike!" He screamed as they walked out onto the street.
"Yes, yes, I am Mike"
"Miiiikeyy!" Will shrieked.
"What did he say?" Lucas laughed.
"J-Just something he called me when we were little okay" Mike blushed.

Lucas and Mike were almost neighbors so they walked with the two drunks together while El had called Hopper. Hopper wasn't angry at first but when he had shown up and seen Will he had almost laughed, knowing that Joyce would be even more worried if he came home like that. El had explained that Will was gonna spend the night at Mikes so everything seemed okay.
The walk took even longer than expected. They knew it would be hard for the two to walk but not that hard. Dustin was rambling about something, maybe d&d or Steve. Lucas couldn't really listen to his slurred words. Will was mostly silent but he was hugging Mike at this point.
Mike didn't push him off, in fact he liked the touch. Even if he was redder than a tomato.

"Seems like you choose the better partner" Lucas said, obviously not listening to Dustin.
"I didn't choose but I don't complain"
"You should just pick him up, like on your back"
"I don't think he's capable of jumping"
"Try at least?" Lucas pleaded, he really wanted to see Will and Mike back to how close they used to be. Back when people would joke that they were a couple.
"Fine, Will, could you try jumping up on my back?" Mike said, hoping Will would understand.

Will stopped hugging Mike and somehow got up on Mike's back. He doesn't remember how he did it but he got up. Mike now piggybacking Will. Will's face was almost glued into Mike's hair, his hands hanging sloopy over Mike's shoulders. Will was mumbling stuff. Stuff only Mike could hear into his ear. And that made it worse.

"Miiiikeeeyyy... I love you... so much... miiikeeyyy" he would whisper, sending a warmth through Mikes stomach.

"You good?" Lucas asked.

"W-What?" Mike answered, he had been too caught up in his thoughts to notice Lucas talking.
"Is he saying something?" Lucas asked, his ears still full of Dustin's rambles.
"O-Oh.. yeah h-he's just like w-whispering stuff"
"Are you sure you're good?"

That's when they saw their houses in the distance. Mike started to walk a little faster. Due to Will not slowing him down anymore. His ear was filled with constant words. Words Will would never dare to say unless he was drunk. And he was.
"Mikey... love... you"
He kept repeating. Mike walked through the basement door as he placed Will down on the couch. His head was spinning with Will's words. He started to step away but Will grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the couch. Mike landed on it with Will's arms wrapped around his waist. He sat in front of the boy, his stomach filled with butterflies and fireworks. Exploding for every thought he had.

"Mikeyy... stay" Will murmured.
"Y-Yeah... okay"

Will was already half asleep when the taller boy laid down next to him. Will's arms still wrapped around Mike. Will fell asleep within a second. But Mike couldn't stop thinking about what Will had said. Every word replayed in his skull.

The next morning Will woke up with a huge headache. He didn't remember anything from the night before. Only that he was at a party and Mike or something. He remembered grabbing a few drinks but it wasn't that many, right? Then he looked around, realizing he was in Mike's basement. Mike was sat on the floor with a binder. From what Will could see, it looked like drawings. Mike sat with his back turned to Will. Not realizing he was awake. He was staring at all the old pictures Will had drawn. Analyzing each and everyone of them.

"Mike?" Will said, noticing his own art style.
Mike shut the binder and looked behind him, his eyes meeting Will's.
"What happened yesterday?"
Mike didn't want to bring it up. He had realized that what Will said, applied to him as well. He also loves the boy.
"Uhmm, you got drunk along with Dustin and Max so we all decided to take one of you each and bring you home"

Will smiled, not thinking much of it.
"Why were you staring at all my old drawings, they're kinda bad?" Will laughed.
Mikes eyes widened as he turned his head, staring at the floor in front of him. His cheeks a soft red.
"W-When we carried you guys home you kept whispering stuff in my e-ear... is it true..."
"Is what... true?"
"That you...l-love me..." the word was hard to say.

Will's own eyes widened. He would have never said that. But he didn't remember saying that. How drunk was he? But it was true... he did love Mike.
"Y-yeah... sorry if it-"

His words got cut off by Mike's lips. Mike's head turned to the short brunette. His whole insides are full of butterflies. Will was melted to the touch. They pulled apart staring at each other. Getting lost in each other's eyes before Mike broke the silence.
"L-Love... L-Love you too..."

Will couldn't help but smile. His drunk mind had confessed and it had gone well. He kissed the boy again. Loving every moment of it.

I live the idea of drunk Will lol
I hope you liked it
Word count: 1304

Byler oneshots :PDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora