Chapter 1

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„No, no no no! " she said, pushing the buttons over and over again. "We're stuck, I don't think you can get the elevator to move again by pushing random buttons." A voice said from behind her. She turned around, annoyance written all over her face as she looked at Andrew DeLuca. That one and only person with whom she had to get stuck with in a stupid elevator during a stupid storm.

"Thank you for that info" she gave in defeatedly. "My phone doesn't work, do you have a signal?" she asked, looking up at him, her phone in her hand. "No, nothing." Andrew replied, looking at his own cell phone before shoving it back into the pocket of his scrub pants.

"Do you think Cece will make it?" Meredith asked after some time, not looking up at him. "I really hope so." Andrew replied, watching her as she looked around the small room. He sat down on the floor leaning back against the wall, still observing Meredith. Something seemed off. She seemed nervous.

"You're looking at me." She said without turning around. "There's not much else to look at in here." He replied, a smirk on his face as she turned around, meeting his gaze. She was beautiful, probably the most beautiful person on this planet.

Meredith exhaled before weighing her chances. They weren't going to get out of here any time soon. She carefully sat down in the opposite corner of the elevator. "You're still trying to keep as much space between us as possible even when we're stuck in a small elevator?" he laughed, shaking his head at her behaviour.

"It's not because of that." She mumbled, resting her head against the cold metal, closing her heavy eyelids. "Than what's the reason?" he asked.

"I- have something." She said hesitantly, not opening her eyes. "What do you mean 'you have something'?" he asked confused and at the same time a little worried. "A fever, and if I'm sick I don't want you to get it." She replied, looking at him now. He now noticed that her face was indeed a little pale and she had bags under her eyes.

"Are you feeling okay?" he asked, concern now audible in his voice. "Yeah I'm good." She replied, closing her eyes again as she took a deep and shaky breath, trying to block out all the triggers around her that were literally screaming at her, trying to make her go insane.

They sat in silence for a while, none of them knowing what to say or do. "Why did you come to work when you're not feeling well?" he then asked. "Lives don't safe themselves DeLuca." She replied weakly, trying to smile a little. "Oh, so you're calling me DeLuca again, Ouch." He said pretending to be hurt but smiling brightly as she now looked at him.

"Voglio baciarti" (I want to kiss you) he said after a few more minutes of silence. "E ancora non capisco perché cerchi di impedirlo." (And I still don't understand why you are trying to prevent that.) he added, looking into her beautiful eyes.

"I just want a reason." He then said after another minute of silence had passed. "For what?" she asked. But just by his expression she could tell what he meant, not to forget that she had understood every single word he had said.

"I- don't know." She begun after a while. "It's very complicated."

"Is it because of Link?" he suddenly asked.

"You need to understand something... It's- Link would be the safe choice." She said, her gaze fixated on the floor.

"And why is that?" Andrew then asked a little offended. "And that's the complicated part." She said, closing her eyes again and it was clear that he wouldn't get a real answer to his question any time soon.

Almost ten minutes passed with them merely talking while Andrew kept his promise and not looked at her until his attention was captured by Meredith groaning. Her hand was resting on her stomach, her cheeks were suddenly flushed and sweat was visible on her forehead. Her fever had obviously risen.

"Are you okay?" he asked concerned, sitting up straighter. Meredith just shook her head, her eyes pressed tightly shut. "Do you feel nauseous?" he asked and as she nodded he quickly stood up, kneeling down next to her, leading her into a position where if she would have to throw up she wouldn't do so all over herself.

"Do you think you're going to throw up?" he asked, rubbing her back slowly. She nodded, her hand still clutching her abdomen. "Okay, it's okay." He tried to reassure her, as he spotted a single hairband on her wrist she used for surgeries and carefully tied up her hair with it. After a few more seconds she started gagging and threw up on the floor, her breathing fast while he quickly noticed the tears welling up in her eyes. As he continued to rub her back and hold back her hair he carefully felt her forehead. She had a high fever. She needed to get out of here as soon as possible.

"It's okay." He whispered. "I'm so sorry." She said, quickly apologising, obviously embarrassed. "It's okay." He repeated as he pulled a tissue out of his pocket and gave it to her so she could wipe her mouth with it.

"Come on." He said, leading her to the corner he had sat in the passed half an hour, away from the vomit on the floor. He helped her sit down as she again leaned her head back against the wall, closing her eyes tiredly. She was exhausted. Too exhausted to even actually acknowledge that they were still stuck in an elevator.

"Link is the safe choice because I know that I could never fall in love with him." She whispered after a while, looking at him from the side. He was shocked. He hadn't expected that answer. Not now. Not ever. The second he wanted to say something they heard a loud noise. Both of them flinched at the sudden noise, unknowingly moving closer to each other.

"Is someone in there?" they heard a muffled voice from behind the metallic doors. "Yes, we're in here!" Andrew yelled, quickly standing up. "How many are you?" the voice asked. "Two, Dr. DeLuca and Dr. Grey." He yelled back, not noticing how Meredith flinched every time he would yell.

And then the doors opened a tiny bit, it seemed like they were stuck in between two floors so the space in between the doors and the floor was too small for someone to climb through it. He saw Dr. Bailey kneeling down in front of the tiny hole. "Are you okay? The power shut down." She said. "I'm fine but Dr. Grey is sick, she already threw up once and she has a fever." He said, his voice quiet so that only Dr. Bailey would hear what he was saying since he was sure she wouldn't want everyone to know about her slightly embarrassing situation.

"Okay, I'm gonna get you a bucket. The power won't be on for the next few hours so I guess you two will be stuck in there for a while." Bailey replied and Andrew nodded, turning back around, sitting down next to Meredith again who was still resting her eyes.

After another few minutes had passed Dr. Bailey was back and Andrew silently stood up again, taking what Bailey passed him through the small hole in between the doors. She gave him a bucket, blankets, two bottles of water and a towel to cover the spot Meredith had thrown up on. "Thank you." He said, Bailey nodded before disappearing again. He laid the things down on the floor, opening the towel and placing it on the spot before laying the blanket around Meredith and placing the bucket within reach. "Thank you." She whispered, drawing the blanket further around her as if she was cold.

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