QnA with Mawar

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Kalau rajin, jawablah mana-mana soalan di bawah.


1. Sejujurnya, cerita ni best ke? Kalau best, kenapa? Kalau tak best, kenapa?

2. Your favorite character(s) and why?

3. Out of all characters, who do you hate and why?

4. Your favorite chapter and why?

5. What is the most unforgettable scene for you?

6. What do you love about this book?

7. What do you hate about this book?

8. What did you learn from this book?

9. Would you recommend this book to anyone?

10. Can you give your honest review? Short or long, it's up to you. I need your review to improve and do better for my upcoming books.

11. Will you miss this book and do you think you will reread it?

12. Cadangkan nama anak sulung Den dengan Lea! Two words, English name dan haruslah nama yang ada vibe royalty 😁

13. Nak tahu apa tentang buku ni? Nak tahu kisah macam mana saya dapat idea ke apa? Atau mungkin nak tahu apa-apa tentang saya? Drop your curiousity.

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