14 : Our Baby Girl

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A few hours ago

Yoongi's pov:

Jimin was unconscious for a long time, I was worried about him and meanwhile, the doctors are doing their best to help our baby to come out.

I was holding Jimin's hand as he was waking up a little before falling back to his slumber. He looks so tired and pale, but I have to focus on the baby more.

A few minutes later, the head doctor lift her head and I can hear small crying. The head doctor looks at me and lifts her hands to show me a bundle, crying while throwing its hands and legs.

"It's a girl." I covered my face and gasped, I can't control my emotions after hearing that, the baby is twisting and crying as she threw her hands and legs.

The nurse quickly wraps her in a pink towel and brings her to me, I can see her small fists and round feet, red like some strawberries and crying her heart out, black hair attached to her small forehead, just like Jimin's, those beautiful eyelashes and chubby cheeks.

Everything screams Jimin.

"Do you want to name her now?" I don't know because I haven't chosen a name for her, I gave that responsibility to Jimin and I can't do anything until he wakes up.

"We will name her later, so please register her under 'Min'." The nurse nods and walks out with her. The head doctor requests me to wait outside and they will switch Jimin to a new room.

I was waiting, and Seokjin-Hyung came when he noticed me.

"How's Jimin?" I smiled at him and nod.

"He's unconscious but he gave a beautiful and prettiest gift to me." Hyung gasped.

"The baby is here?" I nod.

"It's a girl." Hyung gasped again and he hugged me like there was no tomorrow.

"I'm so happy for you two!"  I hugged him back and I saw Taehyung running down the hallway, Hoseok behind him.

"Yoongi-Hyung!" He exhales as he catches his breath.

"What happened?!"

"We have a baby girl." Taehyung's eyes are wide then he breaks down into the brightest smile ever.

"That's amazing! Congratulations, Hyung!" I smiled at him and turn to Seokjin-Hyung who nods.

"Congratulations, Yoongi-ah."


I waited outside for Jimin, he was taking his time to wake up but I'm not blaming him for that, he deserves that extra time before opening his eyes to see our precious little one.

The nurse has been taking care of our girl while Seokjin-Hyung and Taehyung discuss what they will name her.

"I'll call her 'little angel'!"

"That's too boring! How about 'Lily'?"

"She's a human, not a flower!"

"But she might be cute like a flower!"




"What!" Both of them snapped at me when I tried to signal them that we are in a hospital for fuck sake.

I sighed as they went back to their bickering and now, come to think of it...I haven't given any time to think of a name as well.

What should I name her...

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