4 : Let's make love

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Yoongi and Jimin head off the next morning, Jeju is a big island and there are so many things to look around.

Jimin took pictures wherever they go and he was happy to be with Yoongi, all alone.

"I never thought that honeymoon will be this fun!" Yoongi chuckles.

"What kind of thought you had about the honeymoon, anyway?" Jimin taps his chin while pretending to think.

"Uh...having sex and lots of sex." Yoongi choked on his ice Americano after hearing that answer.

"That's all!" Jimin shakes his head like a kid.

"And I also knew that after honeymoon most of the people return as being pregnant." Jimin pouts while Yoongi scratches his cheek.

"Well, you aren't wrong on that. They do come back as being pregnant." Jimin nods as he turns away to look at the road.

"Jin-Hyung also went down to that road as well." Yoongi snapped his head when Jimin accidentally spilled the surprise.

"Wait what!" Jimin looks at Yoongi and tilts his head.


"Did you just say that ... Jin-Hyung is pregnant!" Jimin realized what he said and it was Yoongi who didn't know and he accidentally told him.

"U-Uh...huh? What are you talking about? Hahaha...oh! Look!" Jimin tries to drive the conversation to something else but Yoongi was surprised to hear that news.

'No wonder Namjoon was being so protective and caring...'

"Jimin.." Jimin looks up at Yoongi when he called him. Yoongi smiles at Jimin who was a little confused by Yoongi's behavior.


"Prepare for tonight." Jimin blushed when Yoongi mentioned that.

"As you wish." Yoongi smiles as he continues to walk with Jimin, holding his hand.


"Ah! I'm so tired!" Jimin plops down on the bed with the bags in his hands.

"Are you satisfied with the shopping?" Yoongi asks while removing his watch and accessories.

"Yeah! Thanks a lot, hubby!" Jimin grins sheepishly. Yoongi walks back to the bed and lies next to Jimin while leaning on his hands.

"What will I get in return, love?" Jimin hums as he rolls to Yoongi, his head rubbing against Yoongi's chest.

"You can have me. I'm yours!" Yoongi chuckles.

"You already are." A smirk slowly forms on Yoongi's face as he stares at Jimin, Jimin notices the list slowly covering Yoongi's eyes as he eyes him like prey.

"Bub?" Yoongi hums in response.

Jimin rolls over Yoongi and sat down on his stomach, balancing himself as he slowly grinds onto Yoongi.

"We are on our honeymoon, right?" Yoongi holds back his moan as he nods.

Jimin licks his lips as he grinds a little harder, he can feel that Yoongi getting hard beneath him as he keeps torturing him like this.

"Then...why haven't we done anything yet?" Yoongi let out a breath as he let his head fall onto the pillow.

"I wanted you to enjoy it first.." Jimin felt happy but this is not a time to be cheerful and bubbly. He has turned on his husband and now, there's no going back.

"Babe.." Yoongi hums again.

"Let's have sex." Yoongi shot his head up and stares at Jimin who blushed a little.

"You are not tired anymore?"

"I already turned you on so why waste it." Yoongi gulps as he felt Jimin's hand over his bulge.

"And let's do it without a condom, okay?" Jimin smiles as he tilts his head cutely. Yoongi nods and the demon that he was holding back, break free. He pinned Jimin under him and licked his lips, his knee spreads Jimin's thighs as Jimin grabs Yoongi's neck to kiss his lips.

"Let's be quick." Jimin shakes his head and leans closer to Yoongi's ear.

"Let's make love."


The next morning, Yoongi wakes up as always and yawns. It was a long night and he was tired but they have plans today so they need to get going.

He turns to his side to see his beautiful husband, sleeping peacefully, naked under the blanket. Beautiful bite marks and fresh hickeys made his skin look stunning. Yoongi leans in and placed a kiss on Jimin's bare back as he traces down to his back hip.

Jimin groans in his sleep and he rolls away from Yoongi, mumbling something.

"Love, wake up. We have an appointment at the yacht." Yoongi gets up as he notices the clothes they wore last night were all around the place.

"I can't...move.." Yoongi turns back when he heard that sleepy voice.

"Does it hurt that much?"

"Mmhmm.." Yoongi sighs as he gets onto his feet and grabs his bag, he packed medicines in case of emergency. He popped two pills onto his palm and walked to the mini fridge to grab a water bottle before heading to the head.

"Here, have these pills." Jimin glances at the pills and groans as he slowly gets up, his body aching from last night.

"You went too rough.." Jimin complains as he takes the pills and swallows them with water. Yoongi caresses Jimin's cheek with a smile.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'll be careful next time." Jimin flashes his beautiful smile as he makes grabby hands.

"Take me to bath, I smell like cum and sweat.", Yoongi chuckles before pressing a kiss on Jimin's forehead, he swoons Jimin up in one go and heads to the bathroom to have a warm bath.

After a bath and all, Jimin felt better and he got dressed. They appointed a yacht for brunch since it's already 12.

"How long this ride will be?" Jimin asks while texting Taehyung on the phone.

"For brunch I guess 4hours." Jimin hums as he gets busy chatting with Taehyung.

"Taehyung asked for pictures of the yacht. He and Hoseok want to go on a trip as well." Yoongi chuckles.

"I'll send them the link later." Jimin hums as he looks up at Yoongi who was focusing on the road. Jimin leans closer to Yoongi and kissed his cheek suddenly catching him off guard.

"What? Why?" Jimin grins.

"Thank you for everything, love." Yoongi stops the car on the side and pulls Jimin closer to kiss him properly which Jimin loved as always.

"Anything for you, beautiful." Jimin blushed as he hides his face in his hands.

"What? Why are you being shy?"

"D-Drive..." Yoongi chuckles as he starts the engine and drives to their yacht.


That's all for now. I hope you enjoyed it.

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