10 : Little one

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Jimin's pov :

Seokjin-Hyung knows everything by now since it's been three months and I'm showing a little. The doctors told me that by now I can see my little one.

Seokjin-Hyung volunteered to go with me since Yoongi was out of town for 2 days. He wanted to take me with him but traveling now in this situation was tiring and of course, morning sickness is my friend.

"So, do you feel any change in your body since your showing?" I pout at Seokjin-hyung's question.

"I feel fat..." Hyung laughs.

"It's not fat, dear. It's the baby. Your baby."

I smiled and saw Hyung smile for me as well. It's the first time I'm going to the doctor without Yoongi by my side, I'm kind of excited and scared.

Yoongi told me that he will call when he will be free, guess he's got busy as soon as he landed.

"Jimin, sit here. I'll fetch us some water." I nod and sat down to wait till they call my name. Hyung is being like a big brother, even though he had a baby, he doesn't show less love for me since day one.

I watch how the mothers handle their babies, the dads are just taking care of the mother and looking after the babies.

I smiled and looked down to see my own, I can see that I will be a good parent, and Yoongi can be the best since he takes care of me. He's enough experienced to take care of babies.

"Jimin." Seokjin-hyung came back and hands me one bottle. He sat down and open the bottle to drink away while I stare at the bottle, lost in my thoughts.

"What's wrong? Any pain?" I looked up and shook my head.

"It's just I'm...thinking .." Hyung holds my shoulder to make me look at him.

"What are you thinking?" I saw he was worried for me.

"It's just...what have I done in the past to have this miracle in my body.." Hyung sighs in relief and smiled.

"Whatever you did, it was a good one." Hyung looks down at my small bump.

"This little one will be everything to you now. But be careful since male carries tents to lose their babies during this period. They become careless and that leads to miscarriage." I am officially scared now.

"Any wrong move and I'll lose this one.." Hyung nods.

"Mostly, keep Yoongi away cause if he tries to have sex during this time, then it will be bad for you. Since we don't have another part like females, so our body gets sensitive and if any bad pain occurs in our body then it will lead to miscarriage as well." I gulped and my palms are sweating.

"But don't worry, there's a lot of ways to avoid these so be careful around Yoongi, okay?" I nod and then my name was called.

"That's us. Let's go and see your little one." I smiled, excited again.

We entered and the doctor smiled at us. We took seats and she turns to me with a smile.

"How are you doing?" I smiled and looked down at my hands.

"I'm great. Just tired all the time." She smiles and turns to Seokjin-Hyung who smiled as well.

"And how are you?" Seokjin-Hyung was a little taken aback by the doctor.

"Well, I am doing fine. Just had a baby and still functioning." She smiled again.

"You looked like you have a baby, so take care of your health as well." She looks down at the files and inhales.

"So, Min Jimin, let's go and meet your precious one." I nod and she leads me to another room.

She set up everything and instructed me to lie down and relax, I did as she told and she did her work until we start to see some scenes on the monitor. Seokjin-Hyung squeeze my hand when he noticed something. The doctor turns to me and smiled.

"Well, there's your precious one." She points at a dot on the screen and I saw how it was moving. I covered my mouth and watch how it moves, I can't believe that there was a life inside me until this.

"Do you want some pictures to take?" I nod immediately, Yoongi must be excited to see this as well. The doctor cleaned me off and told me to wait for the pictures.

Seokjin-hyung was so happy to be a part of this and I can't thank him less.

"Here you are. I hope you will do well during these few months. You are almost there and just hang in there. I have scheduled your food planner and do follow what I have suggested to you." We thanked her and she handed me the files before we got up to leave.

Seokjin-Hyung dropped me home and I tried to keep him but he told me he have to go home to be with his baby. I couldn't keep him from his baby, I waved and entered the home and immediately got a call from Yoongi.

"Hi!" I excitedly said and turned on the lights, he video-called me and I can see he looks tired yet he smiled.

'How's my strong baby doing? How was the check-up?'

"You won't believe it! I saw our baby today!" I hold up the files and he was surprised.

'Show me! Show me!'

I quickly sat down and opened the files to see 3 pictures of my little one and proudly show them to Yoongi who gasped while watching the pictures and couldn't hold his smile.

"Isn't this great! Our baby is growing up so quickly!"

' I'm so proud of you and thank you for not giving up on this one. Our little one.'

I smiled and gently rub my small bump.

"I miss you...I feel lonely..." Yoongi does a fake pout.

' I miss you too, baby. I wish I could bring you here. I promise you that you will see me first thing in the morning after 2 days.'

I stared at the screen while Yoongi stared back, late he held his hand so that I can touch the screen and feel that I was holding his hand.

'I love you so much. '

"I love you too."


Kinda wanna end this one cause I think this one is getting boring 😫

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