12 . Kicks

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Yoongi's pov :

Jimin is being very cranky these days, I get the baby is acting up yet...I need a break too. He has been nagging me to take him out where the doctor told him to rest.

"Yoongi! Please! I swear! We will get rice cakes and return home! Please!!" I sighed, it's been hard to work at home when your husband is near his due date and he's cranky.

"Only rice cakes..."

"Only rice cakes!! I'm craving it! Baby wants it!" I sighed again and got up, grabbed my keys but stopped when I felt a bump on my back. I turn around to see Jimin's rubbing his nose, he's too cute to be mad at.

"Why did you stop? Baddy!" I laughed and leaned closer to kiss his forehead as he removes his hands. He points at his nose and a pout appears quickly.

"Here too." I obeyed and kissed his nose as he giggles, my hands on top of his baby bump.

"Let's go, we have to be quick." Jimin nods and we got out.

Once we reached the point where Jimin always buys rice cakes, it's an old shop at the end of the street, an old grandma runs the store all by herself and Jimin found it on accident and now it's his favorite place to grab rice cakes.

"Babies should know this place in case they want rice cakes as well! Grandma will love them!" Jimin mumbles as he walks ahead of me, I smiled as he kept mentioning how nice and delicious the rice cakes are.

We stepped inside this old-looking hole in a wall-type store and the aroma of the sweet rice cakes fills out noses. Jimin moans slightly at the smell, I do admit it's a tasty scent.

"Welcome." The grandma greets us and Jimin gets all giddy and bows at her. She smiled and then points at Jimin.

"Oh! You are that boy! I was wondering where have you been...I haven't seen you for a long time." Jimin smiles sadly, he used to come here to escape from that house with him.

"I was busy, grandma...and I kind of start new." The grandma looks pleased for some reason.

"I'm glad, my boy. You used to look so scared and sad, now look at you, you are glowing." She turns to me and smiled.

"I'm assuming you are the reason behind his glow." I was a little taken aback because it was so direct that I couldn't process it. Jimin on the other hand, blushed as he hides his face in his hands.

"Well, you can put it that way, grandma." She nods while smiling and walks towards Jimin.

"There's a change in you, boy." Jimin nods and carefully unties his overcoat to reveal his hump to the grandma who looked surprised at first but then smiled at him.

"My, my, you have changed for good. You have a family now, a real one." Jimin nods and reaches for my arm, linking his arm to mine as he stood beside me, looking at me with a gentle smile on his face.

"Yes, grandma. I do have a family now." He leans towards me and rests his head on my shoulder.

"A real happy one." I pressed a kiss on Jimin's head as he giggled.

"I'm so happy for you, boy. You know what! I have made some special treats, let me pack those for you." Jimin nods with a huge smile on his face.

He noticed that I was staring at him and he smiled back.

"You know I love you, right?" Jimin leans in and kisses my cheek.

"I know. I love you too" Jimin gasped and quickly crawled my arm, I caught him in time as he barely stood.

"What's wrong!" The panic in my voice made things obvious that something is wrong. Jimin looked like he was in so much pain and I don't know what to do.

"Jimin!" He shot his eyes at me and grabbed my hand, he gently place my hand on his bump and I can feel a small movement in there.

"It kicked! For the first time!" The smile on Jimin's face says everything. I smiled and leaned on his head, staring at my hands as I can feel the small kicks.

"Thank you so much." Jimin tilts his face.


"For carrying this miracle." Jimin smiled and nuzzle his nose against mine.

"We needed this miracle."


We came back and Jimin immediately ran away with the rice cakes before I warn him.

"Jimin! Don't eat all of them at once!" I still shouted, even though I know he won't listen and eat it anyway.

I needed to finish some work before started making dinner for us, I have work piled up and I know I should be taking off from this and focusing on Jimin more but work needs to be done.

I heard the doorbell and got up to see who it is, it was late already.

"Taehyung ..what the-"

"Where's Jimin?" He asked and he almost looked like he will cry at any moment.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung sniffs but doesn't answer me.

"Who is it?" I turned around to see Jimin staring at me confused.

"Taehyung is here," I answered him and he walked towards me to look at Taehyung, he immediately brings Taehyung inside and gives an apologetic look before disappearing upstairs.

I prepared dinner and went up to call them down but stopped at the door to hear what they were talking about.

' I'm sorry...I haven't told them anything ..but they kept blaming me that for me you have taken the wrong way...'

' It's not your fault, I choose my path. Being with Yoongi is the best decision I ever made. '

' I know, Yoongi-Hyung treats you well but they have insulted me badly, Chim. I tried to be strong but...'

' I understand, Tae. Thank you for standing up for me. But don't let their words get you, they ruined my life once and I don't want them to ruin yours as well.'

I was confused and curious to know but I can wait, Jimin can talk to me about this when he will like to, so I ignored those and knocked before twisting the knob to them know I'm there.

"Dinner is ready." Taehyung wipes his eyes and Jimin smiles at me.

"We'll be down in a minute." I nod and let them be.

I know it's hard to pretend that I didn't hear what they were talking about but I do feel sad for Taehyung, he doesn't deserve this.

Let's make sure Jimin doesn't face any hate in this crucial time.


Sorry for not updating, I was sick and busy with life again 😔

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