Couple goals! Harvey Explores Amercia Pt 3

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TITLE: Couple goals! Harvey Explores Amercia Pt 3

FEATURING THE CHARACTERS: california, harvey

WRITERS: mystic, dubious, harvey, mystic, dubious

Harvey walked into Disneyland and already had the urge to leave, what didn't help was the fact that Mystic was creeping everyone out. Well, everyone except for Phantom, which is weird, how could he be blind to this?Mystic already sent a coin flying at Harvey's head, Dubious and Harvey both knew this wasn't like them. Something was wrong.


"Uh, Mystic- please-" Dubious says, catching all the coins because t r i n k e t s. "Can we not kill Harvey?" He's already gonna have a hard time getting out of America alive. "Yeah! Wait... WHAT?" Harvey says, alarmed. "People suck." Dubious says, shrugging. "Good luck man." She offers as they walk, rolling a coin over her hand. "You should be fine, though." "The way you say that isn't very comforting..." He deadpans, watching the cryptic Mystic.


"There's a reason why I wanted to avoid Texas though", he admits."Sooo", Dubious says while they are strolling through Disneyland."What ride do you want to go on first, Harvey?" "Uh, I'll just roll with whatever, honestly", he says. "What about you Phan- Phantom?" Phantom and Mystic are currently in the process of sharing cotton candy. Or, were, rather, because Harvey just witnessed Mystic CONSUMING and when he says CONSUMING, he means CONSUMING the entirety of the cotton candy as well as the hand Phantom used for holding it. "Phantom? Are you alright?", He asks, panicking.


Mystic must have realized that their cover could have been blown, so they gave Phantom a new hand rather quickly."Hm- what?" Phantom asked. "Oh- I'm fine-!" Mystic smiled. "Yeah- we're vibing!" Their smile was abnormally wide, stretching past their face in multiple directions. Harvey tried to run, but Dubious held him back. "We need to help Mystic, there's something in their body that's controlling them, they could be hurt. We just need to get Phantom on our side. I'll be the bait..."Dubious then yelled out, "Hey Mystic! I'm gonna go on the spinny swing ride, wanna come with?!" Mystic jumped up, happy because that was their favourite ride. Mystic and Dubious walked off. Harvey went up to Phantom."Hey uh, something's wrong with Mystic, we need your help.."


"Yeah- uh... I noticed." He says, rubbing his wrist. "Fuck, that was WEIRD-" Phantom says.

Fanfic created with #FranticFanfic.

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