They dragged me to the line and we waited to get our food. I finally met the guy that makes the lunch and mentally thanked him for all the delicious food he supplies.

After I got my lunch I didn't know where to go now. I stop there for a moment until Mina motioned me to follow her. "Come on, I know exactly where you can sit."

I didn't much of it and followed her to the table. I saw Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero already sitting at it. "Hey guys, mind if L/n sits with us?"

They looked at both of us and smiled. "Yeah of course you don't even got to ask." I smiled at them and sat down across from them. "Thanks, I appreciate it."

Sero waved his hand. "Don't worry about it. We know how hard it is to find seats in this place." Kaminari nodded in agreement. "Yeah remember our first day here."

They all shook their head in disgust and embarrassment. "Don't remind us." I was curious.

"What happened?" Mina laughed. "So what happened was-" Before she could continue another plate landed on the table.

I looked up and saw it was Bakugo. "Oh hey, Bakugo. L/n came to sit with us. Hope ya don't mind." I lightly smiled at him.

"I sit there." When he said that it didn't feel good. "Oh uh sorry I didn't know." He just kept staring at me but it wasn't the one I liked. "It's fine just move."

Okay, I'll move and then everything will be fine. "Chill Bakugo, we can just-" Why was he making things more difficult I'll move, and then everyone will be happy.

That's what I want, I just want everyone happy. If everyone's happy then everything will be okay.

I finally spoke up. "It's okay." That sounded harsher than I wanted it to so they all stopped talking and looked at me.

I didn't like it at all. I don't feel good.

"Uh, I should get back to Eraserhead. I'm sure he wants me to check up with Recovery girl or something." I lifted my tray and got ready to leave.

"L/n it's-" Why is he stopping me from leaving? I just want to leave...I can't breathe in here. "No, it's fine I should go."

Why is the room spinning? Why does it feel like it's getting harder to breathe? Why can't I breathe?

Breathe, in and out. Breathe, in and out.

Suddenly I felt someone fanning me and someone else's hand on my back helping me breathe. "Just follow raccoon eye's breathing."

Racoon eyes? I saw Mina breathing slowly so I got that she was Racoon eyes. I did what Bakugo told me to do and it wasn't until my breathing went back to normal that I noticed we weren't in the cafeteria anymore.

Instead, we were outside in the hallway. I was sitting on the floor with Mina to my right and Sero to my left. Kirishima, Kaminari, and Bakugo we're standing a little away to give me some space

I felt embarrassed that I had to be taken out of the cafeteria. "I'm sorry I didn't-" Mina cut me off. "Girl don't apologize for being overwhelmed." She paused and her face saddened a bit. "I guess we didn't consider how all this could feel the first go. Sorry, we didn't warn you."

Kirishima nodded. "Yeah and Bakugo's not upset with you. That's just how he talks." Kaminari added to that. "We understand his way with words to people is absolute garbage but don't take it personally."

Bakugo glared at him. "The hell did you just say?" Kaminari backed away from him scared. I just laughed at them.

"Yeah but I am sorry." They all stopped and looked at me. "That was my first time in a place like this and I kinda ruined it for myself."

I felt pressure on my left and saw Mina hugging me with tears. "Aw L/n you're so precious!" Precious? I'm not sure what she meant by that but I'll take it as a good thing.

I laughed a bit. "Thanks." We kinda just stayed there for another moment until Bakugo spoke. "You think you'll be able to go back in there?"

I looked up at him and saw he was reaching his hand out for me, to help me stand up. I'm okay, I have others around me that can help me if I don't feel good again.

They won't hate me if I have to leave. I nodded and took his hand. He pulled me up and I got on my feet.

His hand was soft and warm, I didn't want to let go but I'm sure he did. I was about to but Mina grabbed my other hand and I was caught by surprise.

"Just stick with us and we'll make sure you're okay!" The other guys nodded, I felt like crying but for a good reason this time.

"Yeah okay." She pulled me and Bakugo back into the cafeteria, the other guys followed too of course.

Kaminari spoke. "Man I hope no one took our food again." Now that's a story I gotta hear.

I didn't even realize I was still holding Bakugo's hand.

After lunch, Mina and the guys made sure I made it back to the classroom safely.

We entered and I saw Eraserhead move his eyes toward me. "Was lunch okay?" I didn't want to tell him I had, I don't know what to call it, a moment.

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, it was great!" I started to explain everything I saw and how I felt about it, I think he was actually listening to what I was saying.

He hmmed. "I'm glad you had a good time." I'm glad too. I quickly went to my seat in the back and waited for Eraserhead to give me my lesson for the day.

Once everyone was back from lunch Eraserhead spoke. "Listen up." I can't get over how fast everyone stops talking when he speaks, it's weird.

"Today we're doing a training exercise that'll increase your mobility and-" He was cut off by Kaminari. "Is it sparring again?" Eraserhead used his quirk to make him be quiet.

He stopped and spoke again. "Yes, it's sparring again. But this time I'm choosing who you spare with. Get your hero costumes on and meet me outside."

I'm sitting there so confused... What about me?

Eraserhead looked over at me like he had forgotten about me. Damn, that hurts.

He walked over with a packet and handed it to me. "Complete by the end of the day." I nodded but spoke before he walked away. "Do I stay here or?"

He was lost in thought until the girls came over. "Come on L/n! I'm so excited for you to see our quirks!" It looks like Eraserhead has no choice.

He sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Fine but you're just watching. And stay far away so you don't get injured." At least this time he's telling me to stay away to keep me safe.

I nodded and stood up. I grabbed my paper and let the girls once again drag me with them.

I hope this doesn't become a regular thing.

1729 Words

How was it?

Y/n's gotta lot of issues, who's ever writing her story sure doesn't like her.....

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