~chapter 30~

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(A/n) wow, 30 chapters?! Wowza!!!

Matt's POV:

It's been 6 months since the day of unity occurred.

The state of the people of the Boiling isles hasn't changed. They're all still unconscious. However, Matt did move all of them into houses, it didn't seem right leaving them there during the cold winter months, they'd probably all have died of frostbite, or monsters.

Of course, he didn't know who lived where, so he kinda just moved them into unlocked houses that could hold enough people. It took him about a week to get everyone safe, but he felt really accomplished of himself afterwards.

He knows it didn't do much to help anyone, but if he woke up from a 6+ month long coma-like state, he'd be glad to wake up in a home.

Matt has changed quite a bit in the last 5 months. His hair has grown out quite a bit so that now, it almost touches his shoulders. He doesn't know how to cut hair and doesn't want to mess up if he tried to cut it back to its shorter length, so he only trims it every now and then. But he mostly wears it up, years of styling dolls hair with Cora growing up was finally becoming useful again.

He thinks of Gus and his family all the time. But most of the time, he's too numb to feel anything. Of course- he feels the emotions, but his brain can't tell he felt those emotions till later.

Matt spends most of his time practicing spells and becoming stronger. He had picked up some books at the library (which was great that there wasn't a librarian, so no overdue books for this guy!) On the different kinds of magic and how to preform the spells.

Right now, he is becoming better at plant magic. He's already learned Construction, illusions, and healing magic, amd he's almost basically mastered all of them. Of course he still has room to grow, but doesn't everyone?

He's found that he can preform really powerful spells if he taps into his emotions. That's why he practices so much. He keeps trying to convince himself that if he just uses up all of his emotions in his magic, that he'll eventually stop feeling anything in general. He knows that is stupid, but it's all he has at this point.

As far as Boscha goes... he's seen her a few times here and there. But neither of them stay around to talk. They may exchange a breif "hi" or "hey" as they pass eschother, but nothing more than that. But Matt is thankful for that.

This particular day however, after Matt is done practicing magic for the day, he decides to do something.

First, however, he needs to shower. He can't help noticing how greasy his hair is today and he can't stand it.

He turns on the water and hums to himself as he washes his hair. When he's done, he dries himself off and gets dressed.

He's about to walk out of the bathroom to go downstairs for something to eat, when he notices his reflection in the mirror. He hadn't paid much attention to his looks the past few months, he hasn't really had a need to anyway.

He just stares at himself, as if it's the first time he's ever seen his own reflection.

He notices how skinny his arms are, and decides he really hates them. He exchanges his short-sheeved shirt for a hoodie, even though it's almost the end of spring.

He looks back in the mirror and pokes at his face.

How is all my acne mostly gone?? I've barely even remembered to use my face wash...

He pokes at his ears too, which have grown a little bit longer. He decides he hates those too, but there isn't much he can do about that without casting am illusion spell, which he's too lazy to do right now.

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