~Chapter 12~

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Just a cute picture of a raccoon I found

Gus POV:

I felt a tight embrace. And just like that, everything went back to normal. Everything still hurts, but... I feel a bit more okay right now.

I hug him back and I start to cry some more. I don't know how I should even feel right now. I don't know if I should be mad, at my mom for moving so far away. Or if I should be sad. Or if I shouldn't feel anything. I. Don't. Know.

We sit there hugging, im trying to calm myself down. It works a bit, so after a minute or two, we let go and look at eachother.

He asks, "Gus, what was that?" I dont know what that was. I was hoping he'd maybe know what it might be. But now that I realize it, he doesn't really do illusion magic, so I dont think he'd know.

"I..... I don't know" I say. I can feel the tears start to come back to my eyes again. Suddenly Matt stands up, holds out his hand and says, "Come on".

I don't know why, but I just froze. I couldn't move. All I could do was stare at him. I wanted to grab his hand. But I couldn't. I could see some hurt in his face. He said, "Gus, please".

I unfroze, stood up, and took his hand. He lead me to his bed and handed me a blanket. I was a bit confused to be honest.

He sat down and patted the spot next to him. I wrapped the blanket around me and sat down. "Ok, Gus-" he starts to say. I turn and look at him. "Do you have any idea what that was? Or maybe why it happened?"

I stare at him, I try to speak- but my throat was so sore from crying. So instead I shake my head because, I have no idea what that was. But then I nod, because I remembered what happened earlier today when my mom um...... when the whole thing with her happened.

I can see the confusion in his face. Yeah, it was my fault, I wasn't really clear with my answers. Not that you can be completely clear when you give a head nod or shake.

He says, "Ok, I didnt really understand that- so I'll ask one question at a time. How's that sound?" I nod my head.

He asks the first question again. "Okay, so- do you know what that was? The thing that happened back there?" I shake my head for no.

He asks the next question, "Do you maybe know what could have caused something like that to happen?" I freeze. I'm pretty sure I know exactly what it was that made the whole...thing happen.

I don't know if I can or should tell him. I mean, it's really personal, and I haven't even told Willow about any of this. I don't know how he'd react. If he'd go around saying "Agustus screwed up his parents lives, that's why they got a divorce" or something like that.

I decide that I should be truthful. I nod my head, just to let hum know I think I know the cause of it. "Do.. you think you could... tell me what it is?" He asks hesitantly.

I look down, hoping he doesn't see how red my face is from embarrassment. And I shake my head. "O-OH I'm so sorry! I- I didn't mean to be nosy!" He apologized frantically.

Just then, I realized that he must care about this quite a bit. I've noticed over the last few times that he gets really flustered when he thinks he invaded a boundary. It's kind of adorable.

I try to tell him something, but I don't really want to say it. What if I start to cry while saying it? Then he'd be even more worried and I'd feel even more guilty. So I decide to spell it out for him, literally.

I make a circle in the air with my finger and make an illusion. It was just some letters in the air that made a sentence. It said, <Maybe I'll tell you another time. Too painful right now, just happened> . Obviously I missed some grammatical aspects but it's a bit hard to make full sentences when you're really tired.

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