~chapter 21~

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Gus pov:

Dear Diary,

It's been about a month since Matt transferred to Hexside. I can tell that Luz and my other friends have definitely gotten  more used to him. There was definitely some high tension between Luz and Matt before because of the incident when they first met....

Boscha hasn't gotten to do anything to me since I always have someone around me now, it's very relieving.

Matt has also gotten a lot better at illusions too! He's a very fast learner.

As far as my progress on plant magic... I think it's going pretty well. It's definitely a bit harder than illusions to pick up. But I won't give up, never.

Recently however, things have gotten really serious. Luz and the group are starting to uncover some really shady things about the emperor and the day of unity.

That's why I got this journal, so that: 1) I can document some of the things we know and 2) if anything goes wrong and we somehow get trapped in another realm, someone may find this and tell Matt what happened.

The only reason I say Matt and not my dad is because I don't want my dad to know... I know he'll probably figure out eventually it we are able to get back from the human realm if we somehow get stuck. But I dont want him to find out if it ends up not being a big deal.

I don't want to tell Matt because he could get seriously hurt, and I need to keep him safe. I can't put him in danger. I don't know what I'd do with myself if I lost him or did anything to get him hurt...

That's all I'll write today. Bye!


I put down my pen and put my journal underneath my bed mattress. It's a Sunday so I do t have many plans for today.

I just lay on my bed, trying to make a flower. I try closing my eyes and concentrating, but my mind is too clouded right now.

"Maybe I can write some more..." I say to myself.

I grab the journal from under my mattress and write again.


Ok, forget that last part- I'm writing more.

I'm really scared that something might actually happen. Well- I know that trying to stop the emperor from preforming the draining spell on the day of unity is going to end in disaster. But I'm trying to stay optimistic and think that it won't be as bad as I think it will be.

I'm scared that- if by some miracle- we do manage to get to the human realm... I don't know how we'd get back. The eye portal was destroyed and there isn't any magic in the human realm. At least not that we know of... which probably isn't any.

But if we get stuck.... everything I know will get left behind.. My dad, my room, my things.. but the one thing that worries me most is Matt... he'll be left here.

Will he hate me for disappearing? For just leaving him with no goodbyes? No telling when I'll ever see him again?

I wonder what my dad would do.... I'm not exactly on 'good' terms with my dad. Not since he started fighting with mom really. But I'm not exactly on bad terms with him either.

Even though he hasn't been the best dad, I still love him. And as much as I say that I don't like him, or that he isn't a good dad... I still love him deep down. I just don't know if either of us really know how to show it to eachother.

I think that's a I'm going to write for now... I hope everything goes OK


I hide the journal back under my bed and go for a walk to relax my brain. I want to forget about all the secrets for a while.

I go to the park and end up sitting on the swing, humming to myself. I close my eyes and relax. It's nice to have some alone time. To have some time to just.... exist with no worries or secrets or-

I hear footsteps.

I recognize them instantly.

Oh shit, it's Boscha. Before I can stand up or anything, she grabs my arm and twists it up behind my back. "You little coward!" She spits hatefully, "You've been hiding behind your friends for the last few weeks. What makes you think they'll stop anyone from hurting you? Where are they now, HUH?"

Pain shoots up my arm like lightning. It hurts so bad.

She turns me around and socks me right in the face. Then she punches me in the stomach and walks off, cursing at me.

"Gah!" I take a gasp for air and sit down, holding my stomach. She knocked the wind right out of me.

My nose really hurts. I reach up to feel the damage and see my nose is bleeding. Shit. I can't go home like this... but I can't go to Matt either, he'll be so mad!

I sit there on the mulch, holding my arm and covering my bleeding nose while I contemplate what to do.

My dad doesn't get home till later, I'll just go back home I guess.

Unfortunately for me, from the park to my house... that's about a 10 minute walk. So that wasn't the best option in the book. I know I could've gone to Matt for help, but I don't want to burden him. He already worries enough and I can't add to that.

I trudge back home, making sure I don't run into anyone. If anyone comes walking towards me, I walk to the other side of the street and cross back over after they pass.

I finally make it home. I lock the door behind me and walk over to the bathroom, closing and locking the door.

I look at myself in the mirror. Blood dripping from my nose, my eye turning an ugly purple.

I open the medicine cabinet behind the mirror. I sigh and take out the bandages and basic pain killers.

I close the cabinet and look at my reflection. This time it isn't me looking back, it's a horrifying monster.

I scream and back away, dropping the bottles in my hands and closing my eyes. I open them cautiously and see myself staring back at me.

What the hell just happened?

I slump against the wall. Tears streaming from my eyes. What's wrong with me? Everything hurts. Everything is going wrong. Why are all these things happening to me?

I quietly sob to myself as I bandage up my nose and put some stuff over my eye to help the healing process.

I unlock the door and walk over to the kitchen. I pull an ice pack out of the freezer and go back into the bathroom.

I slump back down on the floor where I sat earlier and rock myself back and forth trying to calm myself down.

Why am I so stupid. stupid. stupid. stupid

(End scene)
I don't actually know how much longer this story will be chapter-wise. However, I do have some really cool things planned for the ending. I'm also starting the thing you saw earlier with Gus' diary entries, itll be a more common theme in the chapters to come.

I think when it comes to point of view, that it might tend to be more Gus' side of the story. But I'll try to balance it out as best as I can.

Thank you for the support!

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